Long-term potentiation

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    Long-term potentiation refers to the steady increase in synaptic activity between two neurons which causes persistent strengthening of synaptic activity. Since memory formation is mainly dependent on synaptic strength, LTP seems to play an essential role in memory formation. Contrary to that, long-term depression causes a reduction in synaptic activity between two neurons, causing a decrease in synaptic activity. LTP and LTD are essential for normal functioning of the brain and balance in the ratio

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    Across species, animals spend a substantial minority of their lives sleeping. In fact, humans spend on average approximately one-third of their lives asleep (Colten and Altevogt, 2006). With such devotion of time resources and the his tells us, from an evolutionary standpoint, that sleep is an important part of the success of an animal. But what fitness does sleep confer to an organism? Although sleep occurs across many species of animals, the function of sleep behavior is not fully understood.

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    While rats with different lesions did not suffer the same deficit.(http://www.idealibrary.com) It has been found that the hippocampus might be an intermediary between the neo-cortex's representations and the filing away of information into long term memory. This would go along with the idea of various components of the nervous system communicating with each other to create inputs and outputs. In one study, rats were presented with food only if a tone and a light were presented together. Rats

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    past experience. Human memory is an important part of human existence, but it is rarely understandable. Memory is a “mental time travel” (Goldstein, 2011, p. 116). A memory can bring back the feeling about situation, event and experience that occurred long ago. Memory is used to remember fact, acquired new knowledge and how to use new knowledge or skill in day to day life (Goldstein, 2011). Sternberg (1999), defined memory as remembered the past experience to use the information in the future. Without

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    An example of localization is hnRNP A2, which confers the dendritic mRNA transport of various transcripts when induced by neuronal activity (Muslimov et al. 2002). Role of hnRNP A2/B1 Brain plasticity and learning such as BDNF driven long term synaptic potentiation rely partly on the shuttling and translation of dendritic mRNAs. Large messenger RNA binding proteins such as hnRNP A2/B1 carry inactive dendrite bound mRNA via the microtubule cytoskeleton where they will be translated when they are activated

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    cause one or many post-synaptic spikes. An increase in the synaptic weight is known an potentiation and a decrease is called depression. Nonsynaptic plasticity is less commonly used and refers to the change in other network parameters such as the characteristics of axon, soma, dendrites, etc. Synaptic plasticity can be divided into  Short term plasticity (STP) — synaptic changes last for a few time steps.  Long term plasticity (LTP) — synaptic changes last for hours and even

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    system and these memories are mediated by gene expression where long-lasting changes take place between neurons in synaptic connections. In 1949, Hebb postulated, when two neurons are activated at the same time, strengthening of synaptic efficiency will result in the appropriate synapse (Lynch, 2004). Since then efforts have been channeled into understanding mechanisms responsible for synaptic strengthening refereed to as long-term potentiation (LTP), which has also been investigated for its link to memory

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    rabbit’s eye and associating it with a tone, small parts of the cerebellum showed some instances of classical conditioning. I learned about working memory, one of the few types of memory we have. Working memory is a concept that is similar to short term memory. You are processing information the same time you are storing it. It is useful for planning ahead, analyzing, and organizing. Going onto amnesia, I learned more about amnesia, including the types of amnesia and

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    social/environmental variables as risk factors for learning disabilities. Genetic vulnerability can be related to an increased risk for surgical disease (62, 71). F. Migration and Loss to Follow-up. A significant challenge for neurodevelopmental studies is the long-term follow up design. Loss to follow up due to

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    some value the benefits of modifying foods to contain greater nutritional benefits, yield larger crop sizes, and have resistance to many diseases. Alternatively, others fear the undetermined risks for consuming scientifically altered organisms long-term, and deem the act of tampering with the makeup of living things unethical. Even more controversial, is the modern idea of using genetic modification techniques to create smarter organisms, largely, humans. Advances in scientific research—particularly

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