Native American writers

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    Writers write for a reason, they try to tell a story, describe an image or an emotion or an idea. And they do this to share a message. Metaphor is more than a 65 point scrabble word, it’s a decision that an author makes in order to further a message that the author is trying to share. Writing has a point. Both sherman alexie and joy harjo wrote for a reason, in their pieces “ a drug called tradition” and “ the women hanging from the thirteenth floor window” they talk about individuals relationships

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  • Decent Essays

    Within the two passages, two Native American writers, N.S. Momaday and D. Brown, deliver two contrasting views on the Native American landscape and experience. Momaday’s awestruck diction and peaceful imagery revel in the seclusion of a scenario which promotes creation. On the other hand, Brown’s forlorn diction and passive tone mourn the lifeless landscape and loss of people forcibly detached from their land. While Momaday writes to explain the admirable beauty of Rainy Mountain, Brown writes to

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  • Decent Essays

    The poems “New Orleans” by Joy Harjo and “Indian Boy Love Song (#2) by Sherman Alexie have two very similar themes. Themes are underlying message, or main ideas, basically the theme is the lesson you learned after you read a story, or in this instance a poem. The theme in “New Orleans” is that you should put forth the effort to find out about your culture's history. While the theme of “Indian Boy Love Song(#2) is that you should, try your hardest to become close to your elders, don’t be distant

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  • Good Essays

    metaphor in which the author describes their conception of useful and useless: they're mostly inclined towards the wrong stuff, but a good offering will almost overlap the vices, even though they always come first, just as is usual with some Native American people. It shows that it is personal and evaluative because they're criticizing their habits and moral values. Evidently, the importance of ancestors and Indian characteristics such as tradition, family, language, alcohol (this characteristic

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  • Decent Essays

    1.)What are some of the common misconceptions about indigenous writers? In what ways do the writers we've read play on those stereotypes? Some of the common misconceptions is that indigenous writers are that they could not speak English, uneducated, all lived in teepees, and their medicine was primitive. The writers that we have read about dealt with these stereotypes was by including hints and lines that these stereotypes are false. “Lullaby” by Leslie Marmon Silko has a line about where the Indians

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  • Decent Essays

    The Underdog Growing up as a Native American boy on a reservation, Sherman Alexie was not expected to succeed outside of his reservation home. The expectations for Native American children were not very high, but Alexie burst out of the stereotype and expectations put by white men. Young Native Americans were not expected to overcome their stereotypes and were forced to succumb to low levels of reading and writing “he was expected to fail in a non-Indian world” (Alexie 3), but Alexie was born with

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  • Good Essays

    Native Americans, the true founders of America, are best known for having a tight grip on tradition throughout the years. Tradition is a way that Native Americans have been able to coexist for so long, and is also a way that natives have found stability from tribe to tribe. As Native Americans graciously welcomed colonists into the new world years ago, they did not receive equal respect in return. The colonists invading America gave natives a harsh ultimatum, to either leave America, or conform to

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  • Decent Essays

    British party politician, once said “Outsiders often have an insight that an insider doesn’t quite have” In Firoozeh Dumas’s “The ‘F Word” and Amy Tan’s “Fish Cheeks”, both authors take a different approach to adapting to an American life style. Firoozeh Dumas, an Iranian-American author, and Amy Tan, from Chinese origins author, give a description of how they try to sway away from their cultures to become more Americanized. From an outside few many people would see large differences in their approach

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  • Decent Essays

    bells when African American poets are mentioned? The legends who have influenced the path in which our ancestors fought hard to obtain in past generations. Booker T. Washington, Rita Dove, Richard Wright, Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes were a few among various highly influential poets during the 1900s. One of the biggest accomplishments of blacks today is that literature has developed from these African American poets. These individuals have set a tone and path to allow writers of any ethnicity to

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  • Decent Essays

    Unauthorized Autobiography of Me” should be considered an authentic Native American and be put into a high school because he doesn’t use cliches or false representations, like the author N. Scott Momaday does, while writing about modern day events of being a Native American. It is very important to not use cliches in literature, and show Native Americans in a modern day perspective, because people who don’t know much about Native Americans may get the wrong idea. An article and study was done by Soli Salgado

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