Winter is almost over, flowers are shooting out of the ground, everything is alive and vibrates around you. Now is the right time for a spring cleaning. Whatever has accumulated over the winter, the dust and ballast in your home, is swept out, so that there is more space for the new. But not only does your home benefit from such a cleaning operation. Your body will also thank you for a thorough spring cleaning and you will wind up without any spring fatigue or cold, but with more energy in the new
Medicinal plants have been used since the early ages of humanity and many remedies are still used today. Among these many plant medicines is the dandelion, whose variety of uses makes it one of the more popular medicines. Dandelions were often used by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and have been used in Chinese medicine for over a thousand years. They came to America on the Mayflower, brought for their medicinal benefits. Before the inventions of the lawn, dandelions were praised as a bounty of food
Page 2 – Information on plant – Dandelions are classed as a perennial herb. They grow in temperate environments, meaning that they need weather which is neither very hot nor very cold. Other names – Fairy clock, Lion’s tooth, Fortune teller, Puff ball, Witch Gowan, Monk’s Head, Priest’s Crown, Irish Daisy, Swine Snort and Peasant’s Clock. Native habitat – The native habitat of the Dandelion is Eurasia, and North and South America. The dandelion can be found worldwide as a common ‘weed’
COMMON DANDELION Taraxacum officinale Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Anthophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Asterales Family: Asteraceae “Dandelion” is a corruption of the French dente de lion, which means “lion’s tooth”, a reference to the coarsely toothed leaves. Who actually first used the term “Dandelion” to describe the plant is unknown. It’s use has been recorded to begin somewhere around the early 1800s. Four organisms closely related to the common dandelion are the Taraxacum albidium, a Japanese
The first part of my visual representation of the poem “Still I Rise” is a Taraxacum Officinale, more commonly known as the dandelion. These flowers are widely established to have a negative connotation; perhaps, they upset the aesthetics of a well-manicured lawn. In any case, this is the same for Maya Angelou in “Still I Rise.” In the middle of the 20th century, African Americans were the victims of discrimination because they were different; they were of color and the dominant whites believed they
purposes that make it more important than you think. Read on to get some interesting facts about why this common little yellow flower shouldn't be underestimated. What is a Dandelion Root? Dandelion root powder comes from the long tap root of the Taraxacum officinale genus of the asteraceae family of plants. But it is commonly called the “dandelion.” Above the ground, all people can see is a cluster of bright green leaves with sharp, toothy edges that lie fairly flat against the grass that usually
In the spring of 1942, I had the advantage to pass a wonderful week in Haiti. I was accompanied by Leslie R. Holdrige a young engineer and a botanist. Unfortunately the journal that has my detailed notes and observations was lost in the airplane that was transporting me from Haiti to Puerto-Rico, or probably was confiscated. However it was possible for me to give this observations and show some photographs concerning the beautiful forest of Pins des hauts plateau of Morne des Commissaires. The
Detection of Volatiles in Honey: Application of SPME/GC/MS Mahsa Lotfi-Marchoubeh Dec.08.2016 1. Introduction: Honey is one of the main sources of food in the world. It is greatly appreciated for its nutritional value and sweetness but also for its characteristic aroma and sweet taste. The aroma is due to the presence of many different volatiles in honey. Some of these volatiles are originated from the plants whereas the others are made during honey processing or storage. Aroma compounds are
January and February provide a quiet time for planning for the year ahead. The sun warms the earth for the start of another growing season. This slow awakening provides a window into the benefits of living seasonally and incorporating herbs, organic food and whole plant medicine into your life throughout the year. Let your dog be your guide. Learning to grow beneficial herbs may not be high on your list for yourself however, growing them for your dog? Priceless. Focusing on each month, plant by
Marko Kolundzija - 214162898 SLE103 – Ecology and the Enviroment Tutor - Claire Binek Introduction Ecosystem is a biological community of living organisms/biotic components (plants & animals) and non-living/abiotic elements (sunlight, soil, air & water) within a specific area, together forming a complex system in which they interact and adversely affect & depend on each other in one form or another (food chain, mineral recycling, trophic flow). It’s extremely important to study ecosystems not only