Webb County

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    come from the Brooks County Sherriff’s Department in Texas. The Sherriff’s Department is a reliable, legitimate source. We know that the stories are true because Fernandez gives real case numbers that came from this Sherriff’s Department. This evidence is extremely effective because it is true stories that the reader can picture in their minds. Since these are real people that Fernandez is talking about, the reader gets the chance to empathize with them. “In just one county, the bodies and remains

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    Jose Mercury News, Gary Webb accused the CIA of supporting and funding the trafficking of crack cocaine in a three part series called The Dark Alliance. Webb claimed,“Thousands of young black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine — a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before members of the CIA’s army started bringing it into South-Central in the 1980s at bargain-basement prices.” This claim outraged

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    In 1996, Gary Webb claimed that black men were incarcerated for charges dealing with selling cocaine because of the CIA. “Thousands of young black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine — a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before members of the CIA’s army started bringing it into South-Central in the 1980s at bargain-basement prices.” This claim outraged members of the black community because it reaffirmed suspicions of the government intentionally

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    discuss how the CIA and/or the American government played a role in the death of investigative journalist, Gary Webb. Whether it is a conspiracy or not many question how the investigative journalist died and why his death was ruled as a suicide. Gary Webb was most known for tracking down corruption and exposing it to millions of Americans. He wrote stories about corruption from county, state, and federal levels, for more than thirty four years. He is most known for writing an article titled "Dark

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    In 1996, Gary Stephen Webb was best known for his three part article series, Dark Alliance. Webb exposed The Central Intelligence Agency’s (C.I.A.) drug trafficking operations. These articles were first written for the San Jose Mercury News before later being published into a book. Webb discovered a drug operation between a California drug ring, the C.I.A., and the Nicaraguan Contras. Evidence showed that the C.I.A. had direct contact with smugglers, knowing that the profits being made from the

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    Background Throughout most of the wartime eras of the United States, there has been a symbiotic relation between the military and institutions of higher education. This relationship was precipitated by the Morrill Act of 1862, which provided grants of public land to states to establish institutions of higher learning to be operated in conjunction with state and federal governments (Renne, 1960). One particular focus of the land grant institutions was to focus on the teaching of military tactics

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    Speech #3 Persuasive Tammi Lemay 8 February 2015 PREPARATION OUTLINE Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience to enlist in the U.S. Air Force. Thesis Statement: There are multiple reasons to join the Air Force ranging from sense of duty, educational benefits, specialized job training and world travel. Introduction Attention Getter: “I am an American Airman. My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win. I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy of Valor.” This is an excerpt

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    Introduction Prior to this assignment student veterans were a portion of the student population that I had no prior experience or knowledge of interacting with outside the scope of my history of higher education course reviewing the components of the GI Bill. The assignment allowed me to get an in depth historical analysis of the GI Bill and how it effected student equity in higher education from its establishment. I have come to understand the services students veterans possess but as well as some

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    The military draft is now a thing of the past since World War II and the Vietnam War. Today the military draft seems obsolete with the rise in volunteers. Over the past half-century, military drafts have controlled the fates of eligible men on and off the battlefield. Thankfully this is not the case today with qualified men and women signing up and risking their lives for their country. With the United States at war in the Middle East, having plenty of volunteers is essential in the effort to win

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    The 1944 film, Laura, directed by Otto Preminger, follows the New York City detective, Mark McPherson, as he looks into the shocking murder of the gorgeous, Laura Hunt. A single shotgun to the face had disfigured her unrecognizable. The detective interviews many of those close to her while she was alive, including her mentor, Waldo Lydecker, who tells of their long history together. As the detective learns more things about Laura from the people in her life, he finds himself falling in love with

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