What Professionalism Means To Me Essay

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    leader and the followers wanting to serve others. Basically, this means the servant leader you put your focus on the needs of others before your own. The followers goal is to serve clients and the leader’s goal is to serve the employee and implement the organization mission statement. The leader supports other employees by noticing their goals and provide the proper support to help them reach those goals. This

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    This report will reflect on my experiences with the methodological approaches and emotional labour that was required to conduct an interview on a topic sensitive to my participant. I did not set out to conduct sensitive qualitative research, but instead to simply understand why students place a high value on unpaid work. However, the questions i asked in my interview inadvertently lead to an emotionally charged discussion on the disadvantage my participant felt they faced because of their economic

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    function or they play in society, they are still considered to make up a part of a whole. Therefore, as a society and as an individual community service helps to maintain the whole that we are part of. It was my upbringing in Swaziland that taught me the importance of helping within my community and I was excited for the opportunity to do the same in Kenya at the Total Rehab Center for Disabled Children. Located off Thika Road Highway in Kasarani, Nairobi, the Center was established with the aim

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    Interpersonal communication is “relating to or involving relations between people.” (Merriam Webster 2016) Can you imagine taking your sick pet to the clinic and no one shows you any empathy and instead only instructs you on what you should have done to prevent any illnesses, and what you need to do now that your pet is sick? In order to understand the importance of interpersonal communication, possessing good listening skills, clarifying information, and communicating effectively are key. Communicating

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    Every individual can communicate that he or she has heard of "Professional Identity" in life. While many individuals can communicate that the term remains familiar, few can descibe what the term means to him or her personally. According to the National League for Nursing, "Professional identity is defined as including both personal and professional development. It involves the internalization of core values and perspectives recognized as integral to the art and science of nursing" (National League

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    Each child’s attitude towards learning and the way they perceive and comprehend information will be on separate levels from one another some higher, some lower, and some in between. Therefore, to me it is very important to consider each child’s unique individuality when planning a lesson. This way I can be sure that I am accommodating the needs of every child. Furthermore, today’s highly diverse classrooms require a more multicultural approach

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    How does the author define resistance and what are its characteristics? (300 words) In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield talks about resistance. He defines resistance as self-sabotage of anything in the lines of creativity, art, music, spirituality, and more. Pressfield describes many characteristics of resistance in the first half of his book. First, Pressfield describes the first six characteristics as six ‘I’s: Invisible, Internal, Insidious, Implacable, Impersonal, and Infallible. Pressfield

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    Communication Communication is the only significant feature of professionalism that a learner or student will require to use and put into practice during their schooling and beyond. As a professional, communication requires one to express notions through verbal and written communication. Writing and verbal communication ought to be brief, enlightening, and simple to read as both an educational and instructional instrument. In Physical therapy, writing and verbal communication are significant while

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    university. But that is exactly Elza Ibroscheva’s background. She was born in Burgas, Bulgaria, and is now a professor in the mass communications department at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. “I grew up in a very happy childhood, contrary to what most people would believe because I also grew up during communism,” she said. “I had a very carefree, wonderful experience as a young girl in Bulgaria.” Although she had a pleasant upbringing, Ibroscheva said she does remember negatives of living

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    addictions as I had a strong attitude towards the drug abuse. The course of the presentation into the Motivational interviewing made me re-evaluate my attitude, explore my biases and helped me to comprehend the significance of commitment regarding the social work values and ethics. 2. Professional Social Work Practice. Domain 1 of the PCF discusses Professionalism, professional commitments and use of self (TCSW, 2012). One of the vital focuses is a capacity to learn to use a range of approaches

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