Physical Therapist Assistant Program
PTAP 1201: Functional and Applied Anatomy Laboratory
Lab 12: Thorax, Rib Cage and Muscles of Respiration
At the end of the lab, the student will:
Unit 4: Data collection
Demonstrate proper application of the following data collection methods:
Chest wall expansion and excursion, thoracoabdominal movements
Unit 10: Functional and Applied Anatomy of the Thoracic Articulations/Muscles of Respiration
Locate the muscular components and boney landmarks associated with thoracic articulations and muscles of
Record movements of the thorax.
Note: Activities in this lab may not be covered entirely during class due to time constrains.
It may be necessary for the
instructor to assign work outside of class time to complete EVERY activity.
The student is responsible for all material in
this lab activity.
1. Observation
(Examples: Kyphosis, scoliosis, incisions, scarring, general mobility, guarding, breathing rate, pattern, depth and
symmetry, use of neck muscles or diaphragm)
2. Palpation
The purpose of this lab activity is to familiarize students with the landmarks of the thorax.
Students will identify and mark with a skin pencil, the boney and muscular landmarks of the thorax and note variations,
tenderness, etc.