things like crustaceans, other fish species, mollusks, squid, and zooplankton.
mammals (especially lemmings), insects, berries, carions, marine invertebrates, seabirds, and fish.
grasses, sedges, cow parsnip, ground squirrels, carrion, and
/ Territory
The depth range is 0–600 m in the surface and middle layers. While most often found at 15.6–
19.4°C in surface water, larger individuals are found at 13.5–
Arctic foxes mainly inhabit tundra areas, including coastal and inland areas. The size
of Arctic fox territories can vary depending on factors such as food availability, population density, and habitat quality. In
some cases, the size of Arctic fox territories can range from several square kilometers to several tens of square kilometers.
Prefer to live along rivers and streams in forests and woodlands. They need streams/pools and vegetation. Conservation
least concern
they are classed as Least Concern (LC)
Least concern
Spotlight on Red Wolf Populations
What happens when populations of carnivores, like wolves, are too low?
_ Too small populations of carnivores, such as wolves, can lead to ecological imbalances. For example, an insufficient number of wolves can lead to an uncontrolled increase in prey populations, such as deer and elk. An excess of these prey species can have knock-on effects on ecosystems, leading to overgrazing of vegetation, degradation of habitats, and even the decline of other species that rely on the same resources.
b) How do wolves help keep deer and human populations healthy?
_ Wolves help keep deer and human populations healthy through a process called nutritional terraces. By eating deer, wolves help control deer populations while preventing overgrazing of plants. This in turn benefits other species that rely on plants as they regenerate. In addition, by culling weaker populations from deer populations, wolves indirectly contribute to the health and wellness of remaining deer populations. This can reduce the spread of disease within deer herds, 2