ANT100 Discussion Assignment 2
Due: Friday October 20th 2023 12:00pm
1.Joe Rogan correctly states that humans have been anatomically modern for ~200,000 years and
only more recently have they had advanced technologies. What points could you make to refute
this as proof of ancient aliens or lost technology?
Joe Rogan's observation about human anatomical modernity and the gradual development of
advanced technologies is consistent with established archaeological and evolutionary timelines.
The evidence based trajectory of human technological advancement, spanning from the stone age
to the present, aligns with human innovation and adaptation. The absence of direct, credible
evidence for ancient aliens or lost technology discounts such claims. Human progress over
millennia, driven by cultural evolution and knowledge transfer, offers a well documented
explanation for the emergence of advanced technologies. Therefore, while intriguing, Rogan's
statement does not provide support for ancient aliens or lost technology theories, as the historical
and archaeological record presents a more coherent narrative.
2.Archaeology is about questioning the past and discovering new things. However, we also have
limited resources to conduct our work and decide what projects need to be funded. Briefly, do
you believe it is useful to spend limited resources to question things like the ability of ancient
populations to create pyramids? Why or why not?
The allocation of limited archaeological resources should prioritize research that addresses
fundamental questions, advances our understanding of the past, and benefits society.
Investigating the ability of ancient populations to construct pyramids holds value as it offers
insights into architectural, engineering, and societal achievements. This research can elucidate
cultural and technological aspects of ancient civilizations. However, it should be balanced with
other pressing questions in archaeology. Projects should be chosen based on their potential to
provide knowledge and contribute to broader research goals. Evaluating the worthiness of
pyramid related research depends on its scientific and cultural significance, its potential to fill
knowledge gaps, and collaboration to optimize resources.
3. Does pseudoarchaeology ultimately harm or help archaeology? Provide one point for
pseudoarchaeology, one point against, and summarize your final decision for harm or help
Pseudoarchaeology can generate interest in the past among the general public. Some individuals
initially drawn to sensational claims may become more interested in archaeology and ancient
history. It can serve as a gateway to the field by introducing people to the idea of exploring the