8-2 Short Answer: Belief Systems and Ethics
This article takes place in Greece. While archaeologists excavated at an island, they
discovered “more than 2000 intact or almost complete” ceremonial pottery vessels, pieces of clay
figurines left by “ancient worshippers” (Associated Press, 2023). The figures were mostly of
women and children but also included animals and some male actors. They are linked to the
worship of Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture, and her daughter Persephone”
(Associated Press, 2023)
. In the 7
century B.C., when the figurines were used, it was during
their secret rites that only allowed initiates who were forbidden to speak of what they had seen
(Associated Press, 2023)
My thoughts are this- their belief many centuries ago was once a matter of faith, but now
it is a continuous process of exploration and learning. The findings offer us information about the
past and the beliefs in their culture thousands of years ago. The value of humanities in defining
ethics is how beliefs have changed since the 7
century B.C. According to the article, the rites of
this group were kept secret. Generally, things that are kept undisclosed tend to have negative
associations. Although they believed they were doing something good at the time, if these
practices were done today, most people would likely view them differently.
Humanities impact ethical issues in society today by educating individuals about
different, well-thought-out choices learned from many different cultures. Media platforms
broadcast negative actions that occur around the world and discuss ways to improve and make
better decisions. The information is collected and put together from people from all walks of life,