Exploration Document Draft
Cultural Artifacts
My first work is the Bust of Nefertiti. This piece is painted stucco over limestone and is an
unfinished portrait of the queen. My second work is the Pensive Bodhisattva. This piece is a
Korean piece made of bronze. It represents Maitreya bodhisattva.
Common Theme
A common theme between both of these pieces is femineity. Both pieces show a beautiful
woman. Another theme could be one of religion. I know that the Pharoh's of Ancient Egypt were
consider a god. The Pensive looks to be a statue of a goddess.
Personal Experience
I can identify with the religion. I believe in God but still understand that there are many religions
out there. It is not my job to judge on which is right and wrong, but having a belief in a higher
power is important.
I consider my own mortality and how we are all ultimately going to die as I continue to mature
and grow my own family. Since I am mortal and death will eventually find me, I now have to
consider how any activities I take would affect my own mental and physical health before I take
them. I must do this for the sake of my own family, therefore I must do my best to avoid death.
Humanities Resources
My first resource talks about the struggle to get the bust back.My second resource talks about
how the bust became a symbol in the art community.My third resource talks about how the
Pensive made its way in becoming a treasure.
Historical Context