Explain two reasons why it is valuable to include a rubric as part of your instructional presentation
to students when introducing an assignment or project. Include discussion about how the
information presented will vary in the K-3 versus 4-8 grade ranges.
Good evening. I personally love it when instructors provide a rubric for assignments. It's as
though they are saying, "Here's exactly what you need to ace this project." Including a rubric
in an instructional presentation when introducing an assignment is super beneficial for
several reasons. First, it provides clarity of expectations (Leland et al., 2018). A rubric lays out
all expectations the instructor is looking for and students can see exactly what is required to
achieve each level of performance.
Secondly, rubrics facilitate self-assessment and reflection. By providing clear benchmarks,
students are able to compare their own work against the criteria before submission, which
encourages self-regulation and responsibility for their learning outcomes (Roell, 2019).
In grades K-3, rubrics should be highly visual and straightforward since many are just learning
the material and may not be fully proficient in reading. Using symbols or pictures can help
demonstrate expectations. Things like smiley faces could indicate a well-completed task
while a straight face may suggest that improvements are necessary.
For grades 4-8, students are more equipped to handle complex and abstract thinking.
Therefore, rubrics can include specific detailed text descriptions and a broader range of
criteria. This allows for a more nuanced assessment of their work, which can foster higher-
order thinking skills such as analysis and synthesis (Leland, et al., 2018).
Leland, C., Lewsion, M., and Harste, J. (2018).
Teaching children's literature: It's critical!
Roell, K. (2019, July 3). How to create a rubric in 6 steps.