Learning Log M3
What the AI Got Wrong:
Quotation Attribution Issue:
The AI incorrectly attributes a quotation to Virginia Woolf: “That was the excuse
made by lawyers and lawmakers who had not the faintest knowledge what Ruskin
meant." This quotation is not found in Woolf's "A Room of One's Own." The AI
should strike through this false information and clarify that no such quotation
exists in the text.
Misattribution of Suicide:
The AI states that Judith Shakespeare, a fictional character created by Woolf,
commits suicide. This is inaccurate. In "A Room of One's Own," Woolf does not
depict Judith Shakespeare committing suicide. Instead, she highlights the
challenges and limitations imposed on women in the Elizabethan era. The AI
should correct this by removing the mention of suicide from Judith's story.
What the AI Got Right:
Quoting Virginia Woolf:
The AI accurately quotes Virginia Woolf when discussing the barriers women
faced regarding education, financial independence, privacy, and literary output.
The quotes contradict Woolf's arguments in "A Room of One's Own."