[Chapter 7] worksheet



Monash University *

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Arts Humanities


Apr 3, 2024





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Chapter 7: Holding on to Your Anger : https://clickv.ie/w/1MBw 1.21.00 Speaking in language Tapping sound of flint - hard rock Chanting Longshot of Darrpa and Gutjuk Cross between Darrpa and Gutjuk preparing for war Pan to visual of rock face Flash back to Baywara as Gutjuk’s teacher This stone, this stone is the spear head. It is the rule of law. It cannot be undone. Hardest stone there is. Baywara could’ve been our greatest teacher. But he lost all that to his anger. (Darrpa) 34: How does Darrpa’s wisdom challenge Baywara’s approach to dealing with the colonists? Darrpa’s wisdom as depicted through his dialogue, reflects a significant contrast to Baywara’s approach in dealing with the settlers. Emphasising resilience and the law of their culture through the symbol of a stone. Darrpa’s knowledge of their land and nature of their culture compared to his son willing to protect themselves than more of killing. Not attack! 1.24.21 Sound of fire crackling Gulwirri speaks in language Night-time. Light of fire. Faces illuminated. Cut from Gulwiri to Gutjuk. That’s why you have to stay angry and keep fighting. Your anger is all you have. 35: How does this scene suggest that there is no winnable outcome for Gutjuk? Gulwirri acknowledges Gutjuk's disadvantages by advising him that he must remain angry and fight since it is all he has. The focus on rage as Gutjuk's only source of power suggests that he faces impossible challenges and that his situation is mostly outside his control. 1.26.22 Eddy speaking to Claire. Bird noise Wide-angled shot of Eddy with bark hat behind him. Khaki greens. Pans out. You can’t share a country Claire 36: How does Eddy’s statement help contribute to the irreconcilable outcome that this scene is building towards? Eddy's statement to Claire in this scene effectively contributes to the irreconcilable result by highlighting the characters' deep struggle and divide. By telling Claire, "You can't share a country," Eddy is implying that there is an unbridgeable gap between their ideas, identities, and ways of life. His forcing her to take a side in his dialogue. She chooses Gutjuk. Representative of colonial ideas. 1.26.54 Bird noises. Quiet bush sounds. Tommy on high ground. War paint. POV - gun sight pointed at British settlement below. 37: How does the director position Gutjuk in this scene? the director positions Gutjuk as having power and control through his actions and perspective. The POV shot of the gun sight pointed at the British settlement below shows Gutjuk utilising European weapons and tactics against them, reflecting a sense
of agency and strategic thinking on his part. 1.30.40 Gunshot Horses whinnying Sound of Moran Brett - panicked. Long-shot of bark hut Long-shot of men preparing to leave. Kill them all (Moran) Make sure you get all the bastards this time (Moran) 38 What do Moran’s instructions reveal about his role as a law enforcement officer? His use of the language "kill them all," "make sure you get all the bastards this time," and the overall lack of concern for the well-being of the people he's ordering to eliminate suggests a disregard for human life. Furthermore, the fact that Moran's instructions appear unplanned and impulsive, as demonstrated by Brett's panicked reaction, highlights the lack of thought and empathy that goes into his decision-making process. This further emphasises the notion that Moran's role as a law enforcement officer is not driven by a desire to protect and serve but rather by a need to assert control and eliminate perceived threats, regardless of the consequences. 1.30.46 Heavy breathing. High angle shot - Gutjuk pointing gun at Travis. You lied. You know who these men are. What they did to my family. (Gutjuk) Son, I am the second most senior officer (Moran) My name is Gutjuk. You killed my family. (Gutjuk) 39: How does the film position Travis in this scene? Whose side is he on? Travis is positioned as being on Gutjuk's side in this scene. Despite being an officer, he has stopped pretending to side with his colleagues and has chosen to support Gutjuk in seeking justice for his family. He ultimately prioritises doing what is right over loyalty to his fellow officers. He has stopped an illusion that he has sided with his fellow relationship. 1.34.00 Song in language - lament/mournful tone. Dirge. Clapsticks. Mid shot of Claire and Gutjuk Cut to Gulwiri, then Claire, back to the two together. Wide- angled shot of scene of carnage. You have to go 40: What do the emotional responses of both characters reveal about the events that have just taken place? indicate the deep sense of loss, grief, and devastation happened at the events that took place. 1.35.00 Singing in language Long shot - people dead on the ground. Fire in the background. Claire kneeling beside Travis’s body. Gudjuk rides away with
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