justice, would be to develop a student’s potential to the fullest extent by making sure they are
properly educated and exposed to learning (Idealism). For Plato and the Greeks, education was
equal to excellence which they viewed as a virtue [ CITATION Myu23 \l 1033 ].
Plato was also quite opiniated on what role a teacher played and which curriculum could
best foster a learner’s potential. He thought a proper curriculum should consist of history,
literature, philosophy, as well as religion due to their crucial role in education and was their
ability to help children prepare adulthood. Since, Plato believed it was the students’ nature to
search for truth, he thought that they could find real truth within these topics.
Furthermore, he
believed that students typically looked up to/imitated their teachers (therefore they act as role
model by setting an example) [ CITATION Ger14 \l 1033 ].