Virtual Assisignments 2



ECPI University *

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May 6, 2024





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Mariliz Rios Bio 205- Pathology Dr. Ellorin Virtual Assignment 2 Janice is experiencing a food allergy; due to it’s delayed in nature, it is classified as a Type IV hypersensitivity. The best option for Janice is to avoid eggs altogether. It has been suggested that the adverse reaction could take 3 to 6 weeks to dissipate. While looking into her history, she should also look into anyone in her family with the same allergen. Janice should also keep a food journal or diary. List all the foods she eats daily and list any reactions she may have during that time. Due to Janice’s reaction’s emergent nature, she sought help in the Emergency Room (ER). The ER is mainly stopping emergent/urgent responses until it is safe to do more testing to help prevent it from happening again. They likely did a quick blood test until Janice could see an allergist. The doctor will probably do a skin test to test her allergens. The doctor places a tiny amount of the food allergen on a small probe and punctures the skin on either her arm or back to test what she is allergic to. Another test that can be done is a blood test that measures the amount of IgE antibodies to specific foods. An oral food challenge can be done when the patient is given a small amount of food they may be allergic to, and then the amount is increased. It is always a controlled test with a medical personnel with the patient. The skin test is the most common, but oral food challenge is the most accurate. (Maeda, 2022) Both skin test and oral food challenge give the patient the food allergen. The skin test is only a tiny amount, while the oral challenge is
a significant amount, which could cause a worse reaction. Because the patient is given the food allergen, the results will help the doctors find the best course of treatment. (Alcala, 2023) Anaphylaxis reactions can cause the body to go into shock. If left untreated, it can cause the body to have organ failure, coma, or death. Due to Janice developing swelling in her throat, compromising her breathing, she was seen in the ER. During Janice’s time in the ER, the doctor gave her antihistamines and corticosteroids. These medications can help stop an acute reaction to avoid more damage. The antihistamine is made to help with mild to moderate allergic reactions. It does not help with any respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms. Corticosteroid does not manage acute anaphylaxis, but it does block glucocorticoid receptors. Together, they reduce inflammation of the air passages and improve breathing. Giving the patient oxygen can also be helpful for patients with compromised breathing. (Rodgers, 2011) They may also be given a beta-agonist like albuterol to help relieve breathing symptoms. Epinephrine can also be given to reduce the body’s reaction. It can be shown in auto-injectors like EpiPen. They deliver the drugs subcutaneously or intramuscularly to treat emergent allergic reactions. (Richer, 2023) The best way to prevent reactions is to avoid allergens or other products containing the allergen —taking medicines like antihistamines and corticosteroids as directed. Also, wear any medical alert bracelets or necklace, and carry all auto-injectors. Some other measures can also be natural remedies like dietary changes. These bioflavonoids are plant-based chemicals in citrus fruits and blackcurrants that can be natural antihistamines and supplements like flaxseed oil, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E to improve allergy symptoms. (Richer, 2023) Allergens can be life-altering/life-threatening. It is best to know how to identify the symptoms. We should also teach our employees, co-workers, and children about food allergies to help them
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