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May 11, 2024





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.astName -------------- First Name, __ t>_O_t>i_\_t&_\ Q._~_, _____ _ Lab 7 PHOTOSYNTHESIS: CAPTURE OF LIGHT ENERGY INTRODUCTION Heterotrophic organisms such as fungi and bacteria obtain the energy they need for growth, reproduction, and movement by decomposing other organisms or molecules. Members of the Kingdom Plantae, together with some members of the Kingdom Protista and all of the cyanobacteria (Kingdom Eubacteria), are photosynthetic organisms; as such, they are autotrophs: they synthesize their own food by using simple raw materials plus the energy of sunlight. Members of the Kingdom Animalia, heterotrophic organisms including ourselves, obtain energy from the food they eat. In addition, the process of photosynthesis is the source of oxygen required for the respiration of both plants and animals. The process of photosynthesis transduces (converts) the kinetic energy of sunlight into the potential energy of chemical bonds. The energy is initially trapped in ATP molecules, later incorporated into the bonds of glucose, and eventually stored as carbohydrates-sugar or starch. Because this laboratory exercise is about the Kingdom Plantae, the process of photosynthesis will be examined as it is carried out in the chloroplasts of plant cells. The process of photosynthesis is a complex series of chemical reactions that begins with carbon dioxide and water (molecules of low potential energy) and ends with carbohydrates such as glucose and starch (molecules of high potential energy). The metabolic activity of plants enables the radiant energy of sunlight to be transduced (converted) to the energy found in the chemical bonds of carbohydrates. In both autotrophs and heterotrophs, carbohydrates originally produced by photosynthesis are broken down by cellular respiration, releasing the energy captured from the sun for metabolic needs. The photosynthetic reaction can be summarized by the equation: light energy water carbon dioxide 6 02+ oxygen 6 H20 water
ET . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Now carefully decant (pour off) the infiltration solution into the sink and quickly add lhe 15 ml of NaHCO3 to test tube 1 and lhe 15 ml of dH2O lo lest tube 2. Swirl the test tubes to mix the contents. 8. Place the test tubes in test tube rack behind a 600 ml beaker ¾ of the way filled with tap water. Turn on the flood lamp (Figure 7-2). flood lamp_d- 600 ml beaker with tap water test tube rack Figure 7-2 Arrangement of flood lamp, beaker, and test tube rack for photosynthesis 9. At 1-minute intervals for 20 minutes, count the number of leaf disks that are floating. Swir1 the contents of the tubes at the end of each 1-minute interval (after counting) so that all leaf disks are suspended in the vortex. The time required for a leaf disk to float is an index of the rate of photosynthesis in that leaf. Some disks will be "early floaters," others "late floaters." Record your data in Table 7-1. \,\."'~ Table 7-1 Data from Floating Disk Assay Experiment Tube 1 (NaHCO3) Tube 2 (dH2O) Tube 1 (NaHCOJ) Tube 2 (dH20) NDF'* %··· NDF'' %* .. ET' NDF'* NDF'* %**• \l o ·I. 0 o · ,. 11 (, ,o·/- 0 O·J. 0 o · 1. 0 o·1 12 1 lO·/. 0 0·1 ti o · /. 0 o · , 13 l' 10·1. 0 o · ,. () O'/. 0 {)'/. 14 1 lO·/. 0 o · , () o · ,. 0 o·. 15 1- 1-0·1. V. I. 0 0·1. 0 0·1. 16 l 10·/. 0 o·,. 0 U•I, 0 o · ,. 17 1- 10·1. 0 o · , 'l. 1,-,. () O·/. 18 l lo · /. 0 0 /. 'l 1.1> -,. 0 O·/. 19 {\) ~0·1. 0 0·1. eoo · ,. 0 0 ,. 20 ~o · ,. 0 O'/. ·=Elapsed time (minutes); NDF" = Number disks floatinq; %''* = NDF/10 X 100% 10. Plot the data you accumulated in Table 7-1 in Figure 7-3 below. Use a"+" for Tube 1 and an "o" for Tube 2. 11. NOTE: AFTER COMPLETING THIS SECTION OF THE LAB, WASH YOUR DIRTY LABWARE WITH SOAP, RINSE WITH TAP WATER, AND DRY WITH PAPER TOWEL. INVERT TEST TUBES IN THE TEST TUBE RACK FOR PROPER DRAINAGE. -4· \,\'.\& 4• 9\~lt
r % of Leaf Discs Floating Figure 7 .3 Floating leaf disk assay for photosynthesis t t t r t t t t t t tO to t0 10 10 iO tO iO t0 II b o O O O Q O O O 0 \ 1 3 l\ c;, l- <\ IO \\ 1t \1, l't 15 l(c, 11 IP, 1 't '}J) nme after light illuminated (min) Questions 1. What would you expect to happen if the floating leaf disks were placed in the dark? Explain your answer. Include specific reactions of photosynthesis in your answer. \f t~e \eqve$ wu~ \M~ H1 <\ot~,-\he~ u.f1\\ .sin~-w-,1hu~t \l~'M inetg~, o'l.~qen e<HYt be prod~ted. 2. What is the source of CO2 in this experiment? 50d\um 'ok,~\'oOl\q\f, l SEPARATION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS BY PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY Adsorption chromatography is a method used to separate a chemical mixture by passing it over a material that adsorbs different compounds at different rates. Adsorption is the surface retention of compounds; absorption is the penetration of compounds into the absorbing substance. Paper chromatography allows substances to be separated from one another based on their physical characteristics. The two important considerations in paper chromatography are the paper and the solvents. A small quantity of the liquid mixture to be separated is placed on a strip of paper and allowed to dry. The paper is then placed in the proper solvents, which begin to ascend the paper due to capillary action. As the solvents move up the paper, the components of the mixture on the spot move with them at different rates. Ultimately the different molecules in the mixture will distribute themselves over the length of the strip. Separation of pigments occurs due to the solubility of the pigment in the chromatography solvent and the affinity of the pigments for absorption to the paper surface. The finished product, showing separated pigments, is called a chromatogram. In this experiment, you will separate the pigments present in the leaves of green plants. CAUTION: These solvents are HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. Avoid inhaling the solvent vapors. Keep the solvent containers tightly closed. 4
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