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May 18, 2024





Uploaded by KidRock842

Genomics Education Partnership Last Update: 08/20/2023 1 Module 1: Introduction to the Genome Browser: What is a gene? Answer Sheet Q1. How many genes are there in contig1? - There are three distinct features Q2. What are the names of these genes? - CG32165-RC, spd-2-RA, tra Q3. Which gene has the largest span (i.e., the largest distance between the start and end of the gene)? - CG32165-RC Q4. What is the relationship between the bases displayed when the arrow is pointed to the left versus when it is pointed to the right? - When the arrow is pointed right it is the base track, and when the same arrow is pointed to the left the letters turn grey and change into the complementary nucleotide initial. Q5. Why do you think the bases are displayed in this way in the Genome Browser? - The bases are typically displayed in the Genome Browser to indicate the directionality of the DNA sequence. When the arrow is pointed to the left, it typically represents the 5' to 3' direction on the negative strand, while pointing to the right represents the 5' to 3' direction on the positive strand. This convention helps users orient themselves within the genome and interpret the sequences displayed. Q6. How many exons does tra-RA contain? - 3 Q7. How many introns does tra-RA contain?
Genomics Education Partnership Last Update: 08/20/2023 2 - 2 Q8. Why do you think it takes three lines to display the amino acid information? Hint: remember that a codon is specified by three bases, e.g., CCG = Proline (circled in Figure 12). - The Genome Browser uses single-letter abbreviations to represent each amino acid. These are shown on your Genome Browser as three new rows of information directly below the DNA sequence Q9. Based on the screenshot shown in Figure 22 , which reading frame contains the amino acid sequence for the second coding exon of tra-RA? - Contig1:10,150-10,550 Q10. Does frame +2 have an ORF in the coding region of this exon? What about frame +1 and frame +3? - All three frames have an ORF in this region. Q11. Given that 3 of the 64 possible codons are stop codons, what is the chance of having a stop codon at any given position, assuming that the sequence is random? - Calculate the chance of having a stop codon at any given position are 500, assuming that the sequence is random, considering that 3 out of the 64 possible codons are stop codons. Q12. How many exons and introns are present in this gene? - Count the number of exons and introns are present in the gene are 5 through 6 by examining the gene structure displayed in the Genome Browser. Q13. What is the orientation of this gene relative to contig1? How do you know? Where are the start codon and the stop codon — give the base position numbers (coordinates) of the start and the stop codon)? - The orientation of the gene relative to contig1 and it was the start codon and stop codon, providing their base position numbers (coordinates). Bonus: Take a little time to explore some of the other evidence tracks on the browser.
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