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Civil Engineering


Jun 12, 2024





Uploaded by GrandRam4427

Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 1 of 21 Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes UAT - 2 Project Portfolio Student name: Student ID Assessor: Date: Include the title of project 1 here: Include the title of project 2 here:
Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 2 of 21 Section 1: Design requirements and options Complete this section for Project 1. Include the title of the project here. Documentation/data List all the documentation/data that you can access for the project and provide a brief description of each. Check that each documentation/data is current and accurate. Legislation and policies and procedures Outline the legislation, and policies and procedures that applies to your work in managing civil works design. Make sure you refer to WHS legislation. Include at least two legislation and two policies and procedures.
Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 3 of 21 Risk management Outline the risks that could apply to this project (include at least two) and associated control measures. Client requirements Based on your review of the documentation above, provide a summary of the client requirements for the project and the work you need to complete. Has all the information been provided such that a design can be developed? This includes detailed specifications and development and implementation factors. If not, what are the gaps?
Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 4 of 21 Environmental impacts Provide a summary of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed works. Outline potential sustainable design options. Functional specification Document the functional specification for the project. Approval You are to confirm the work requirements and obtain approval for the civil works design criteria as per you work above. Summarise your work above in an email to the client (your assessor). Draft an email here.
Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 5 of 21 Innovation Innovative procedures for developing designs in civil construction are so important. Conduct some research and document two innovative procedures that could be used to develop the design concept. One of the procedures must relate to a new technology for civil works design. Provide the sources of information you used on the innovative procedures. Design concepts Based on the work that you have completed so far, identify and document at least two possible design concepts that could meet the design requirements. Make sure you explain how this meets specification, including engineering specifications. In the next section you will prepare a working model so at this stage your
Project Portfolio- RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Version: May 24 Page 6 of 21 design concepts can be descriptions. Presentation Develop a presentation based on your work and attach it to your Portfolio. You will need to provide this presentation to the client to seek their feedback to improve the design or to resolve any issues. Your presentation should also include potential environment and community impacts and how these could be addressed. Include the title of your presentation here. Attach: Presentation
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