Most people don’t realize you can learn a lot about how a person is feeling during a conversation by looking at their pupils (Ciancarini, 2021).
Size shows if a person is surprised, alert, bored, in love and so much more.
Pupil dilation
Eye contact shows that you have respect for what the person is saying and you want to be attentive to the conversation (Floyd, 2020).
Majority of the time eye contact is used people better retain what is being said.
Eye contact
Did you know when your eyes close for too long during conversation you are saying something to the recipient?
Closing eyes too long is a sign of thinking, concentrating, and reflecting.
It keeps those in conversation from wanting to interrupt.
Closed eyes
When someone rolls their eyes in conversation it is always negative (Ciancarini, 2021).
It shows immaturity, aggression and neglect of what the person is saying.
It is passive aggressive and most times not done face to face but when the person can’t see them (Floyd, 2020). Eye rolls