CJAD 311 Paper 4



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May 10, 2024





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Roberts 1 Federal Law Enforcement Agencies under DHS and DOJ Janet Roberts CJAD 311 ADE Professor Perry Columbia College, Mo April 14, 2024
Roberts 2 Federal Law Enforcement Agencies under DHS and DOJ The Federal Law Enforcement Department in the U.S. is found to be somewhere between the Department of Home Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) (Peak, 2018). Like the other agencies, this department is entrusted with making recommendations on federal laws that the agencies have jurisdiction to enforce (Turkaeva, 2020). The mission of law enforcement is not single-handed, as federal authorities play an integral role. For those who contemplate working in federal law enforcement and for informed citizens, it is crucial to recognize these authorities' organizational and individual roles (Pukhareva & Rudin, 2023). This is directed to the DHS and DOJ and their duties as federal enforcement authorities. First, in the next section, a brief eight central agencies and their functions, investigative authorities, and career paths will be explained. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) The DHS was at this moment formed in 2002 as a response to the terrorist attacks on September 11 the previous year (Peak, 2018). The DHS's mission is to protect US citizens, critical infrastructure, and US values against cyber, physical, and international security threats (DHS, n.d.). In fact, among DHS branches, the most numerous is the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which employs more than 260,000 people. The Secretary of the DHS is the President's cabinet member and reports directly to the President, who is responsible for the entire department, the DHS, as it is more commonly known for operations. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) The USA has several major federal law enforcement agencies, including the US CBP. CBP safeguards America's borders and ensures legal foreign trade and travel. CBP agents are posted at border control points and screen passengers, cars, and cargo as they search to eliminate
Roberts 3 illegal entry and smuggling (Peak, 2018). One of the Border Patrol's responsibilities, for example, is stopping most unlawful border crossings (Pukhareva & Rudin, 2023). CBP remains the most critical pillar of the US government in terms of preserving public safety and the well- being of American society. The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) As for the ICE, this organization prevents unlawful and criminal immigration in the U.S. (Peak, 2018). Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is an office in the Department of Homeland Security specializing in transnational crime investigations, including human trafficking, narcotics smuggling, various cyber crimes, and gang activities (Turkaeva, 2020). ICE focuses on the detention, apprehension, and deportation of undocumented immigrants who violate the immigration law (ICE, n.d.). ICE has a specific role in ensuring the smooth running of border control and fighting cross-border crime. U.S. Secret Service (USSS) USSS does a multitasking cloak to ensure the nation’s most outstanding leader and its financial facilities and critical infrastructure are secure (Peak, 2018). Second, it provides the safety of the president, vice president, their families, and all other foreign visitors each time they travel to the United States or attend essential events on a national level (USSS, n.d.). The Secret Service prevents counterfeiting, identity theft, and computer fraud in the financial sphere (Peak, 2018). The agency assigned to federal law enforcement with its dual mandates of protecting and investigating is one-of-a-kind. Department of Justice (DOJ) Set up in 1870, the DOJ protects laws and ensures punishment (Peek, 2018). The top law enforcement official in the United States, the U.S. Attorney General, is responsible for
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