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Grand Canyon University *

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Computer Science


May 14, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorField11350

Lesson: Letter Recognition Objective: Demonstrates alphabet knowledge. a. Identifies and names the letters. b. Identifies the letter-sound correspondences. Reflections: This week, Mrs. Carroll and I discussed a possible evaluation task that would be perfect for right before report cards. My job during the activity was to watch the students and assist them in recognizing letters. For this creative activity, they each received a baking pan, magnetic letters, and a phrase strip with their names on it. The idea was for the students to spell their names using the magnetic letters that were located beneath the phrase strip. The picture below features Robir, a student of Mrs. Carroll's. He was able to identify every letter in his name without help when I asked him to say it out loud. I would utilize this exercise in the future to assist my students in learning both the letters in their name and other letters. Three-year-olds will like and be involved in this activity. Additionally, I may carry out this project in several ways, like substituting felt letters for soup in a bowl. This activity is fantastic since it can be taught in several ways and is an enjoyable way for pupils to learn. Assessment: The assessment data I collected was a chart that has four columns (example pictured below). To utilize for the next time, she wishes to carry out this action, Mrs. Carroll gathers this data. The students who know every letter in the alphabet would find this information useful for an additional task that would be slightly more difficult. When Mrs. Carroll gathers data again, Robir, for instance, wouldn't employ the sentence strip. To spell his name with his letters jumbled, would be all she would have to do. Student name Date Independent With Support Robir 12/11/23 ROBIR 1 Poula 12/11/23 POULA
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