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May 14, 2024





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logistic_regression January 28, 2024 1 ECE 285 Assignment 2: Logistic Regression For this part of assignment, you are tasked to implement a logistic regression algorithm for multi- class classification and test it on the CIFAR10 dataset. You sould run the whole notebook and answer the questions in the notebook. TO SUBMIT: PDF of this notebook with all the required outputs and answers. [1]: # Prepare Packages import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.data_processing import get_cifar10_data # Use a subset of CIFAR10 for KNN assignments dataset = get_cifar10_data( subset_train =5000 , subset_val =250 , subset_test =500 , ) print (dataset . keys()) print ( "Training Set Data Shape: " , dataset[ "x_train" ] . shape) print ( "Training Set Label Shape: " , dataset[ "y_train" ] . shape) print ( "Validation Set Data Shape: " , dataset[ "x_val" ] . shape) print ( "Validation Set Label Shape: " , dataset[ "y_val" ] . shape) print ( "Test Set Data Shape: " , dataset[ "x_test" ] . shape) print ( "Test Set Label Shape: " , dataset[ "y_test" ] . shape) dict_keys(['x_train', 'y_train', 'x_val', 'y_val', 'x_test', 'y_test']) Training Set Data Shape: (5000, 3072) Training Set Label Shape: (5000,) Validation Set Data Shape: (250, 3072) Validation Set Label Shape: (250,) Test Set Data Shape: (500, 3072) Test Set Label Shape: (500,) 1
2 Logistic Regression for multi-class classification A Logistic Regression Algorithm has these hyperparameters: Learning rate - controls how much we change the current weights of the classifier during each update. We set it at a default value of 0.5, and later you are asked to experiment with different values. We recommend looking at the graphs and observing how the performance of the classifier changes with different learning rate. Number of Epochs - An epoch is a complete iterative pass over all of the data in the dataset. During an epoch we predict a label using the classifier and then update the weights of the classifier according the linear classifier update rule for each sample in the training set. We evaluate our models after every 10 epochs and save the accuracies, which are later used to plot the training, validation and test VS epoch curves. Weight Decay - Regularization can be used to constrain the weights of the classifier and prevent their values from blowing up. Regularization helps in combatting overfitting. You will be using the ‘weight_decay’ term to introduce regularization in the classifier. The only way how a Logistic Regression based classification algorithm is different from a Linear Regression algorithm is that in the former we additionally pass the classifier outputs into a sigmoid function which squashes the output in the (0,1) range. Essentially these values then represent the probabilities of that sample belonging to class particular classes 2.0.1 Implementation (40%) You need to implement the Linear Regression method in algorithms/ . The formulations follow the lecture (consider binary classification for each of the 10 classes, with labels -1 / 1 for not belonging / belonging to the class). You need to fill in the training function as well as the prediction function. You need to fill in the sigmoid function, training function as well as the prediction function. [2]: # Import the algorithm implementation (TODO: Complete the Logistic Regression in algorithms/ from algorithms import Logistic from utils.evaluation import get_classification_accuracy num_classes = 10 # Cifar10 dataset has 10 different classes # Initialize hyper-parameters learning_rate = 0.01 # You will be later asked to experiment with different learning rates and report results num_epochs_total = 200 # Total number of epochs to train the classifier epochs_per_evaluation = 10 # Epochs per step of evaluation; We will evaluate our model regularly during training N, D = dataset[ "x_train" ] . shape # Get training data shape, N: Number of examples, D:Dimensionality of the data weight_decay = 0.00002 2
x_train = dataset[ "x_train" ] . copy() y_train = dataset[ "y_train" ] . copy() x_val = dataset[ "x_val" ] . copy() y_val = dataset[ "y_val" ] . copy() x_test = dataset[ "x_test" ] . copy() y_test = dataset[ "y_test" ] . copy() # Insert additional scalar term 1 in the samples to account for the bias as discussed in class x_train = np . insert(x_train, D, values =1 , axis =1 ) x_val = np . insert(x_val, D, values =1 , axis =1 ) x_test = np . insert(x_test, D, values =1 , axis =1 ) [3]: # Training and evaluation function -> Outputs accuracy data def train (learning_rate_, weight_decay_): # Create a linear regression object logistic_regression = Logistic( num_classes, learning_rate_, epochs_per_evaluation, weight_decay_ ) # Randomly initialize the weights and biases weights = np . random . randn(num_classes, D + 1 ) * 0.0001 train_accuracies, val_accuracies, test_accuracies = [], [], [] # Train the classifier for _ in range ( int (num_epochs_total / epochs_per_evaluation)): # Train the classifier on the training data weights = logistic_regression . train(x_train, y_train, weights) # Evaluate the trained classifier on the training dataset y_pred_train = logistic_regression . predict(x_train) train_accuracies . append(get_classification_accuracy(y_pred_train, y_train)) # Evaluate the trained classifier on the validation dataset y_pred_val = logistic_regression . predict(x_val) val_accuracies . append(get_classification_accuracy(y_pred_val, y_val)) # Evaluate the trained classifier on the test dataset y_pred_test = logistic_regression . predict(x_test) test_accuracies . append(get_classification_accuracy(y_pred_test, y_test)) return train_accuracies, val_accuracies, test_accuracies, weights 3
[4]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_accuracies (train_acc, val_acc, test_acc): # Plot Accuracies vs Epochs graph for all the three epochs = np . arange( 0 , int (num_epochs_total / epochs_per_evaluation)) plt . ylabel( "Accuracy" ) plt . xlabel( "Epoch/10" ) plt . plot(epochs, train_acc, epochs, val_acc, epochs, test_acc) plt . legend([ "Training" , "Validation" , "Testing" ]) plt . show() [5]: # Run training and plotting for default parameter values as mentioned above t_ac, v_ac, te_ac, weights = train(learning_rate, weight_decay) [6]: plot_accuracies(t_ac, v_ac, te_ac) print ( "Logistic Regression" ) Logistic Regression 4
2.0.2 Try different learning rates and plot graphs for all (20%) [7]: # Initialize the best values best_weights = weights best_learning_rate = learning_rate best_weight_decay = weight_decay # TODO # Repeat the above training and evaluation steps for the following learning rates and plot graphs # You need to try 3 learning rates and submit all 3 graphs along with this notebook pdf to show your learning rate experiments learning_rates = [ 0.01 , 0.1 , 1 ] weight_decay = 0.0 # No regularization for now # FEEL FREE TO EXPERIMENT WITH OTHER VALUES. REPORT OTHER VALUES IF THEY ACHIEVE A BETTER PERFORMANCE # for lr in learning_rates: Train the classifier and plot data # Step 1. train_accu, val_accu, test_accu = train(lr, weight_decay) # Step 2. plot_accuracies(train_accu, val_accu, test_accu) max_test_accu = 0 max_val_accu =0 for learning_rate in learning_rates: train_accu, val_accu, test_accu, weights = train(learning_rate, weight_decay) plot_accuracies(train_accu, val_accu, test_accu) if max_val_accu < max (val_accu): max_val_accu = max (val_accu) max_test_accu = max (test_accu) best_learning_rate = learning_rate best_weights = weights print ( f"maximum validation accuracy: { max_val_accu } and test accuracy : { max_test_accu } at Learning Rate: { best_learning_rate } " ) 5
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