SITXFSA006, SITXINV006 - Written Assessment - Michelle Djie - AIC23769



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SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 1 of 63 ASSESSMENT COVERSHEET Student name: Michelle Djiady Djie Student number: AIC23769 Assessor name: Richard P. Date submitted: 11/08/2023 Qualification: SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management Unit of competency CLUSTER SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock The following questions are to be completed by the assessor: Has the student completed adequate training? Yes No Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No Does the student understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes No Have the s tudent’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment? Yes No The following documents may be completed and attached: Comments: Written Assessment The student will answer a range of multiple choice, short answer and/or extended response questions. S NYS Practical Observation / Demonstration The student will demonstrate a range of skills and the assessor will observe where appropriate to the unit. The Observation Checklist will be completed by the assessor. S NYS STUDENT DECLARATION I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment. Student Signature: Date: 28/07/2023
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 2 of 63 ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES Qualification: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Unit of Competency: SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock Assessment 1 Written Assessment Assessment 2 Practical Observation Assessment 3 Assessments to be completed for this unit: Your trainer/ assessor would have told you when the assessments will take place on the first day of training delivery for this unit. The written assessment (Assessment 1) will assess your knowledge and is one part of the assessment tool for these two units of competency. The practical assessment (Assessment 2) will assess your knowledge and practical skills through practical observatio n/s. This will take place in the College’s commercial kitchen. Your assessor will record behaviours they have observed to confirm competency against each Performance Criteria. Reasonable Adjustment 1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment? No Skip question 2 Yes Proceed to question 2 2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment: What will be assessed The purpose of this assessment is to confirm that you have the knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit: SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices key features of commonwealth, state or territory and local food safety compliance requirements as they impact workers at an operational level: contents of national codes and standards that underpin regulatory requirements reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain local government food safety regulations and inspection regimes meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 3 of 63 ramifications of failure to observe food safety law and organisational policies and procedures hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) or other food safety system principles, procedures and processes as they apply to particular operations and different food types: critical control points for the specific food production system and the predetermined methods of control, especially time and temperature controls used in the receiving, storing, preparing, processing, displaying, serving, packaging, transporting and disposing of food main types of safety hazards and contamination conditions for development of microbiological contamination cross contamination of food allergens environmental conditions and temperature controls, for storage temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule temperature control for cooling and storing of processed food contents of organisational food safety program, including procedures, associated requirements, and monitoring documents food safety monitoring techniques: bacterial swabs and counts checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes chemical tests monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus or minus one degree Celsius monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment visually examining food for quality methods to ensure the safety of food served and sold to customers: packaging control: using packaging materials suited to foods monitoring of packaging damage protective barriers temperature control supervision of food displays utensil control providing separate serving utensils for each dish safe food handling practices for the following different food types: dairy dry goods eggs including raw egg foods frozen goods fruit and vegetables meat and poultry fin-fish and shellfish operating procedures for temperature probe: calibration correct use cleaning methods identifying faults choice and application of cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials following manufacturers advice cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements relevant to food preparation and storage: cleaning: dirt food waste
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 4 of 63 grease pest waste removal sanitising: eating and drinking utensils food contact surfaces maintenance: minor faults high risk customer groups: children or babies pregnant women aged persons people with immune deficiencies people with allergies people with medical conditions. The following Foundation Skills are also being assessed: Reading skills to: o Read and interpret food safety programs, policies, procedures and flow charts that identify control points Writing skills to: o Complete documentation for monitoring food safety SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock principles of stock control: rotation of stock product life cycle minimising wastage of stock key functions of stock control systems organisational procedures for: order and delivery documentation receiving and recording incoming stock reporting on discrepancies or deficiencies stock security safe manual handling techniques for the receipt, transportation and storage of stock contents of date codes and rotation labels for stock meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code reasons for protecting food from contamination different types of contamination: microbiological chemical physical methods of rejecting contaminated food potential deficiencies of delivered stock: contaminated stock stock that is intended to be: frozen but has thawed chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone packaged stock that is exposed through damaged packaging
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 5 of 63 correct environmental storage conditions for each of the main food types specified in the performance evidence: correct humidity and temperature correct ventilation protecting perishables from exposure to: heating or air conditioning accidental damage through people traffic environmental heat and light sanitary cleanliness and hygiene storing stock: in dry stores in cool rooms or refrigerators in freezers food safety procedures and standards for storage of stock: appropriate containers avoiding allergen contamination labelling and coding first in first out methods product life of stock quarantining the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food: chemicals clothing personal belongings indicators of spoilage and contamination of stock correct and environmentally sound disposal methods for spoilt stock. Tasks instructions: Your assessor will explain the assessment process and your rights if you are unhappy with the outcome of your assessment. Your trainer will also ask you if you have any special needs to complete the assessment. You will have a chance to ask questions. You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment. Make sure you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the student declaration This written assessment consists of 40 question items. You have 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete this task. Read the instructions for each question carefully. You should write full sentences. For example, if you are asked to explain a word or topic, this means that you must write down enough information to show your assessor that you have the required knowledge. You may use sources such as websites to complete your assessment. If you use information from other sources, then you must reference the source. DO NOT copy and paste responses from other sources. If you do so, it is plagiarism and your trainer will mark you NYS. Formatting requirements: o Font: Arial with size of 11 or 12 for ease of reading o Include a footer on each page with your name, unit code and date.
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices / SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock v3.0 (Updated on 14 April 2023) This document is uncontrolled when printed (Printed on: 11 August 2023) Page 6 of 63 Place/Location where assessment will occur, recording and reporting requirements This written assessment will be completed under supervised conditions and in the presence of your trainer/ assessor at the College premises on Level 2, 38 College Street, Darlinghurst 2010. Your trainer/ assessor will have notified you of the date of the assessment date on the first day of training delivery for these two units. Your trainer will also have told you that attendance on assessment day is compulsory. Assessments are completed on the College’s Moodle platform. Your trainer/ assessor will open up the assessment for you at the start of the assessment session. Your trainer/ assessor is available to assist you if you have any questions while completing this assessment. When you have completed your assessment, you must save and convert the document to a PDF file. Upload your PDF file to your Moodle account. You must digitally record your signature and the date on the assessment cover sheet. Your assessor will mark the assessment within 7 working days from the date that you submitted your assessment. Both you and your assessor must complete the Assessment Outcome Record at the end of this assessment booklet. Resource Requirements The primary resource you require to complete this assessment is access to your Moodle account. Laptops are available for all students completing the assessment at the College Street campus. You must complete your assessment in MS Word document format. Written questions may ask you to view a website. Laptops will provide you access to the Internet so that you can view such websites.
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