In reviewing the video this morning, I am underscoring a few important requirements
again so that I might not have to include them in comments when reviewing draft
Please submit one lesson plan.
Please do not submit to me a lesson plan that is obviously part of a unit. Please do not submit a lesson
plan that integrates more than music into the subject area of your topic. In other words, I am interested in
how a music activity helps students understand more of a topic within the content are of math, language
arts, reading, science or social studies. I do not want multiple subjects (music/art/physical education)
addressed in this draft.
You are not writing a music lesson. You are the classroom teacher who is integrated music (an activity,
with its own musical concepts and skills) into the teaching of a specific topic within a subject area you
Please include the URL address for all links you cite in your resources.
(Examples include the
music standards that you find appropriate from the KSDE website, the standad that matches your own
content area standard for the topic you have chosen, and any video recordings or websites you are
using. I will open these and want to see what you are presenting to your students.)
Please include a full statement that describes each video link or website page you will access
with your students and place this directly beneath the URL address.
Please include a full citation (author, title of book, date of publication, publisher) of all
(texts, chlidren's books, music books, etc.) that you will refer to, read from, or ask students to read
in class during your lesson.
When you have completed your draft, please do remove all of the colored text I supplied in the
template, so that I am reading only YOUR lesson content and not my own directions or
. This will make your draft flow so much smoother as I read!!