Christa Jackson 1/17/2024
Eng 130
ENG 130 Module Two Reading Response Template Exploring the Text
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Selected text you will use for your project:
“Beat the Clock:jTime management training can improve productivity and morale by helping employees balance work and family.” By Katherine Tyler
Identify a possible primary audience
of the text:
The primary audience for this text is most likely employers, supervisors, or HR personnel with interest in having and keeping a more productive workforce. It’s focus on balancing work and family suggest that its goal is towards those in positions. Identify
other possible audiences for the text:
The other possible audience of this text could be for employees, students, or individuals wanting
to improve their time management skills for work and family.
Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate regarding the genre
of the text:
These audiences will have some knowledge, interest and expectations. They are both appropriate regarding the genre. The primary audience would consist of those with the authority and responsibility to make decisions on training programs. The other audience will be those that will have a connection to the text. Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate regarding the writing situation
of the text.
Both audiences are appropriate because they both benefit from the text the primary audience is
a specific set of people who the text is written for. The other audience are those who aren’t directly involved, but they may benefit from the text. Describe how the writer attracts and guides the audience
The writer attracts the audience with statistical and proven facts and quotes from experts in time management. Writers sometimes use personal experiences to bond with their audience. By
using examples, the audience feels relatable. To end their text, a writer will use a call to action. This will give the audience a feeling of empowerment.