Introduction to Weather Maps Question Sheet
Weather Map Symbol Interpretation:
Record the current weather data from your online weather source and then code this data
as it would be portrayed on a weather map inside the box below:
Record the data first (
label units!
Today’s Date:
__11/03/2023_________ and Time: _8:14 PM _______
Temperature: ______62
Dewpoint: ___43
Humidity: ____64%__
Air Pressure:___
30.08 ”Hg_
Wind Speed: ____16.7 Mph________
Wind Direction: ______North East______
Cloud Cover: __Partly Cloudy___
(step outside and use lab handout to estimate how many
tenths of cloud coverage there currently is in the sky).
Present Weather: ________Highs, Lows, and chances of precipitation____
(use keys above
to determine this, if applicable)
Choose any date, and using the daily weather maps, duplicate the weather map symbol for the
following locations, then interpret the symbology. Use the supplemental maps at the bottom of
each page of the Daily Weather Maps to determine the max. and min. temperature as well as
the amount of precipitation.
Draw the symbol first.
San Diego, CA:
Date __11/03/2023__
Temperature 53.6
Dew point 33
Wind speed 20 Mph
Wind direction
Sky cover
Partly Cloudy