Lunar Features
1. Select the Lunar Features photos to complete this lab.
Using the definitions and examples learned in the Lunar Features lecture identify
the photographs of various features indicated.
3. Using photo 1: Gambart Crater.
Choose from the following to answer question 1.
Crater, Rill, Wrinkle Ridge, Mare, Sunken Crater
Q1. What are the light round objects near the center of this picture called?
4. Using photo 2: Southeastern Mare Imbrium.
Choose from the following to answer question 2.
Crater, Rill, Wrinkle Ridge, Mare, Sunken Crater
Q2. What is the feature in the center of the picture below the craters?
5. Using photo 3: Letronne Crater.
Choose from the following to answer question 3.
Crater, Rill, Sunken Crater, Mare, Mountains
Q3. What is the large feature towards the bottom of the page?
6. Using photo 4: Euler Crater.
Choose from the following to answer question 4.
Crater, Mountains, Rill, Wrinkle Ridge, Mare
Q4. What is the vast smooth area to the right of the crater?