TO: Prime Minister Stephen Harper
C.C: Subject: Apology to Indigenous Peoples
How are you?
I appreciated your kind words on your apology speech. It mattered to my culture deeply. After
watching a video of your apology on Indian Residential schools, I feel our people are finally heard. I took your apology as a step toward building a better future for generations to come. I believe your apology will begin the healing process in our families. However, I feel this is only the start due to the trauma these Residential schools created.
I believe you should proceed with reconciliation by promoting awareness in children’s education. We need to educate our younger generations to know the truth and be the change in our future. Our indigenous children want to attend school off-reserve without worries of racism. We must change this so they can have a better life they deserve too. Also, there needs to be support for all Indigenous peoples around the clock. The impacts of Residential School experiences caused intergenerational trauma in all generations. Again we need support! In order to have this support, we need funding to help families with mental, physical, and spiritual
well-being. Our children should have access to these services while attending school. I feel knowing about Indian Residential Schools and adhering to some of the recommendations is important to all Canadians. For Indigenous people to heal, it is important to teach about the history of Residential Schools in order to fully understand the current state of Aboriginal concerns. Once Canadians understand these concerns, we can hopefully change how Indigenous people are treated and find new ways to help families take part in society. After all, we are all Canadians and everyone should be part of our beautiful country and what it stands for.
We are all looking forward to a positive change for Indigenous People.
Thank you for reading my email. Enjoy your day!
From: Stacey Assiniwe (Ojibway Tribe)
PLAR History/ Geography
Activity #6: Indigenous Peoples Question #2 Write an email to our former Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.