Chapters 0 and 1 S&C 2023



Northeastern University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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1) The word spatial refers to A) the nature and character of physical space. B) items that relate specifically to society. C) things that are unique and special. D) eras of time. E) human cognition of the world around them. 2) Which is not true of geographers? A) They are Earth systems scientists. B) They are primarily concerned with place names. C) They are concerned with spatial and temporal relationships. D) They use spatial analysis. E) They are concerned with human-environment interactions. 3) Which of the following best describes the field of physical geography? A) understanding the process that lead to soil development. and the environments in which they occur B) studying, analyzing, and mapping of the primary rock types C) the study of weather, climate, and related phenomenon, especially as influenced by human action D) the spatial analysis of all the physical elements, processes, and systems that make up the environment E) human migration across the planet and the resulting impacts 4) Which of the following is the most strongly supported by extensive hypothesis testing? A) speculation B) hypothesis C) educated guess D) observation E) theory 5) The scientific method is described by which of the following? A) a single, definitive linear method for doing science B) the acceptance of supernatural explanations for phenomenon until science proves otherwise C) the development of hypotheses that are tested to aid predictions D) irreproducible results accepted as theory E) a step-by-step guide done a single time during the initial testing of a scientific idea 6) Which of the following is the general order of steps in the scientific method? A) questions and variables--hypothesis--observation--testing--results B) hypothesis--questions and variables--observation--results--testing C) observation--questions and variables--hypothesis--testing--results D) observation--testing--hypothesis--questions and variables--results E) hypothesis--questions and variables--testing--observation--results 7) In terms of matter and resources, Earth is essentially a(n) ________ system ; in terms of energy, Earth is a(n) ________ system. A) closed; closed B) closed; open C) open; open
D) open; closed E) negative; positive 8) What type of feedback maintains stability in a system; i.e., what type of feedback keeps a system functioning properly by discouraging change? A) positive B) negative C) neutral D) threshold E) tipping point 9) Which of the following best describes the condition of steady-state equilibrium? A) System inputs always exactly balance outputs so the system never changes. B) System inputs and outputs fluctuate around a stable average so the system does not move far from its average condition. C) System inputs produce large, random fluctuations in output, forcing the system into a new state of equilibrium. D) Systems slowly adjust to long-term changes in input and output. E) Feedback information encourages change in the system. 10) The three inorganic Earth realms are the A) hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere. B) thermosphere, lithosphere, biosphere. C) atmosphere, geoid, and biosphere. D) stratosphere, magnetosphere, and troposphere. E) biosphere, ecosphere, and hydrosphere. 11) The Greek mathematician and geographer Eratosthenes is noted for A) being the first to realize the spherical shape of Earth B) calculating Earth's diameter by measuring celestial angles at two different locations. C) his highly precise maps of the coastlines of Mediterranean Europe and Africa. D) inventing the concepts of time zones by dividing 360 by 24, thereby establishing 15° zones. E) reasoning that Earth's equatorial bulge was the result of Earth's rotation and centrifugal force. 12) The diameter of Earth is largest when measured around the A) poles. B) equator. C) subtropics. D) prime meridian. E) International Date Line. 13) How far north you live from the equator is measured as your ________, whereas an imaginary line marking all those places at that same distance north of the equator is called a ________. A) longitude; meridian B) meridian; longitude C) latitude; parallel D) parallel; latitude E) location; place
14) The basis for defining the length of a day is A) Earth rotates east to west. B) Earth moves through 365.25 days a year in its orbit about the Sun. C) Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours; i.e., it rotates 15° of longitude per hour. D) Earth does not rotate; rather, it revolves. E) arbitrary, based on a decision of an international committee that met in Washington DC in 1884. 15) If it is 10:00 A.M. in Miami, Florida (Eastern time zone), what time is it in Los Angeles, California, located 3 time zones to the west in the Pacific Time zone? A) 7 A.M. B) 8 A.M. C) 1 P.M. D) 2 P.M. E) 9 A.M. 16) Map scale is best defined as A) the flattening technique used to "unroll" the globe onto a plane. B) the meaning of the symbols used in the map. C) the directionality of the map. D) the study of the size and shape of Earth. E) the ratio of a map to the distance or area in the real world. 17) The transformation of a spherical globe to a 2D surface is a A) diagram. B) cone. C) map projection. D) globe. E) scale. 18) GPS units A) accurately allow determination of location anywhere on or near Earth's surface. B) are a metric version of longitude and latitude. C) are parts of a Greenwich Precision Second. D) are not available to the public; they are only available to the military and other government agencies. E) have little practical use in physical geography. 19) Remote sensing is A) a subjective determination of temperature. B) the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact. C) an earthbound technique not used in modern satellites. D) based on the principle that surfaces must be physically handled and directly measured for study. E) determines location on or near Earth's surface using trilateration. 20) The techniques of using modern computers to displaying geographic information with other datasets for display and visual analysis are known as A) remote sensing. B) geographic information systems. C) geovisualization.
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