Unit 1 Introduction_ Lab Practical_ Latitude & Longitude (2 points)_ GPH 111_ Intro to Physical Geog



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2/21/24, 1:10 AM Unit 1 Introduction: Lab Practical: Latitude & Longitude (2 points): GPH 111: Intro to Physical Geography (2024 Spring - A) https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/172892/quizzes/1298470 1/3 Unit 1 Introduction: Lab Practical: Latitude & Longitude (2 points) Due No due date Points 2 Questions 4 Time Limit None Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 7 minutes 1.5 out of 2 Score for this quiz: 1.5 out of 2 Submitted Feb 21 at 1:09am This attempt took 7 minutes. Question 1 0.5 / 0.5 pts The typo is in East (E). Uluru is in the western hemisphere, and it is an important historical battlefield in the USA Civil War. This lab practical has you practice with latitude and longitude in a fun way, where you have to figure out the nature of an error in a geographic coordinate. You will have to read carefully and think out of the box. Please do not stress about it. Have fun with the concept. For each question, you are given the name of a location that is an important physical geography place and also a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. You then "copy" and "paste" these coordinates into Google Earth (a program that you download to your computer (https://earth.google.com/download-earth.html) ), maps.google (https://www.google.com/maps) , or acme mapper (http://mapper.acme.com/) . You will have the most fun using Google Earth, or the satellite view in Google Maps or Acme Mapper. You will discover that there is a typo in the coordinates. You must figure out the source of the typo ... figuring out why the computer program did not deliver you (virtually) to the physical geography place of interest. To get a correct answer, you must indicate the source of the typo and also something about the physical geography of the place. To prepare, you should have done basic readings about physical geography: Geography as a spatial science (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/172892/files/77690507/download?wrap=1) and especially Locational Systems (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/172892/files/77690475/download?wrap=1) For each question, you are given the name of a location that is an important physical geography place and also a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. You then "copy" and "paste" these coordinates into Google Earth (a program that you download to your computer), maps.google (https://www.google.com/maps) , or acme mapper (http://mapper.acme.com/) . You will have the most fun using Google Earth, or the satellite view in Google Maps or Acme Mapper. You will discover that there is a typo in the coordinates. You must figure out the source of the typo ... figuring out why the computer program did not deliver you (virtually) to the physical geography place of interest. To get a correct answer, you must indicate the source of the typo and also something about the physical geography of the place. Location: Uluru or Ayers Rock, Australia Coordinates: N 25.3455606, E 131.0195477
2/21/24, 1:10 AM Unit 1 Introduction: Lab Practical: Latitude & Longitude (2 points): GPH 111: Intro to Physical Geography (2024 Spring - A) https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/172892/quizzes/1298470 2/3 The typo is in East (E). Uluru is in the western hemisphere, and it is large lake used for speed racing super fast boats. Correct! The typo is in North (N). Uluru is in the southern hemisphere, and it is large mountain surrounded by a flat plain. The typo is in East (E). Uluru is in the western hemisphere, and it is large mountain surrounded by a flat plane. The typo is in the latitude. The coordinates indicate N, but Uluru is in the southern Hemisphere. This is a fantastic image of Uluru and this website (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=5304) tells you more about this important physical geography location in the center of Australia. Question 2 0.5 / 0.5 pts Correct! The typo is in the second coordinate (longitude). It should be a - 0.8819397 . The location is a beach where the allied troops landed in France during World War II. The typo is in the first coordinate (latitude). It should be a minus in the middle of the ocean. The typo is in the second coordinate (longitude). It should be a minus for the eastern hemisphere - 0.8819397 . The location is a field in France. The typo is in the first coordinate (longitude). It should be a minus in the middle of the ocean. The typo is in the second coordinate (longitude). It should be a - 0.8819397 . The location is a beach where the allied troops landed in France during World War II. You can travel to this location virtually, using Google Street view (https://www.google.com/maps/@49.3703469,-0.8794896,3a,75y,328.15h,83.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMEswdfUJwSwgCkH8SJQABw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1) . Please notice that the coordinates are embedded in the URL in Street Views. If you want to learn more about this important spot, you can go to UK learning site (http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/world-war-two/world-war-two-in-western-europe/d-day-index/omaha-beach/) . Question 3 0.5 / 0.5 pts For each question, you are given the name of a location that is an important physical geography place and also a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. You then "copy" and "paste" these coordinates into Google Earth (a program that you download to your computer (https://earth.google.com/download-earth.html) ), maps.google (https://www.google.com/maps) , or acme mapper (http://mapper.acme.com/) . You will have the most fun using Google Earth, or the satellite view in Google Maps or Acme Mapper. You will discover that there is a typo in the coordinates. You must figure out the source of the typo ... figuring out why the computer program did not deliver you (virtually) to the physical geography place of interest. To get a correct answer, you must indicate the source of the typo and also something about the physical geography of the place. Location: Omaha Beach D Day Monument Coordinates: 49.370696, 0.8819397 Note: Sometimes, the coordinates do not have a N,S,E, or W designation. Instead a positive first number is the Northern Hemisphere and a positive second number is the Eastern Hemisphere. A negative first number is the Southern Hemisphere, and a negative second number is the Western Hemisphere. For each question, you are given the name of a location that is an important physical geography place and also a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. You then "copy" and "paste" these coordinates into Google Earth (a program that you download to your computer), maps.google (https://www.google.com/maps) , or acme mapper (http://mapper.acme.com/) . You will have the most fun using Google Earth, or the satellite view in Google Maps or Acme Mapper. You will discover that there is a typo in the coordinates. You must figure out the source of the typo ... figuring out why the computer program did not deliver you (virtually) to the physical geography place of interest. To get a correct answer, you must indicate the source of the typo and also something about the physical geography of the place. Location: Location Giant's Causeway Coordinates: N 55.2408073, E 6.5290702
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