Plate Tectonics Quiz 1



Florida International University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 14, 2024





Uploaded by CaptainAlligator3310

Plate Tectonics Quiz 1 1. The theory of plate tectonics proposes that Earth's lithosphere is divided into rigid plates that move relative to each other. What is the main source of energy driving this plate motion? a) Earthquakes b) Volcanoes c) Convection in the mantle d) Magnetic fields 2. Which type of plate boundary occurs where two plates slide past each other horizontally without creating or destroying lithosphere? a) Divergent boundary b) Convergent boundary c) Transform boundary d) Hotspot 3. Subduction zones, where one plate descends beneath another back into the mantle, are found at which type of plate boundary? a) Divergent boundary b) Transform boundary c) Convergent boundary d) None of the above 4. The Himalayan mountain range formed as a result of a collision between which two tectonic plates? a) African Plate and Eurasian Plate b) Pacific Plate and North American Plate c) Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate d) Nazca Plate and South American Plate 5. Seafloor spreading, where new oceanic crust is created, occurs primarily at: a) Subduction zones b) Mid-ocean ridges c) Transform faults d) Hotspots
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