ERSC181 Week 4 Part 3
A form of mass wasting caused by intense surface-water flow due to heavy precipitation, and composed of loose soil, and significant amount of loose rocks,
boulders, organic matter, air and water is known as ________.
a debris flow
If you are considering a home site, what is one pretty sure evidence of possible landslides affecting the property?
A history of previous mass wasting events in the area
Which of the following is not a control in rock falls?
sediment particle size
The 1959 Madison Canyon landslide killed 28 people near Hebgen Lake. What was the trigger for this landslide?
What was the largest known terrestrial landslide?
Markagunt gravity slide
Which of the following is a slow moving form of mass wasting?
What is the difference between a debris flow and an earth flow?
A debris flow is mainly coarse-grained rock fragments, while an earth flow is mostly fine-grained sediment particles.
What do chemical and detrital sedimentary rocks have in common?
Both involve water in their formation
What is the correlation between surface area and rate of weathering?
The greater the surface area, the more the rock is exposed so the faster the weathering.