Action Research M2



American College of Education *

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Health Science


May 12, 2024





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1 Increasing Student Achievement Sarah Herb American College of Education Dr. Anthony Hamlett February 19, 2024
2 Increasing Student Achievement This action research proposal seeks to address the issue of low student achievement within ABC High School. Despite efforts in years past, the persistent challenge of students failing to reach their academic potential demands a proactive and evidence-based approach. By engaging in action research, this proposal aims to identify the root causes of low achievement, investigate current interventions used by teachers, and evaluate their effectiveness in improving student outcomes. Three years of student growth data on a selected Universal screener shows that students show low growth and remain well below grade level. In the most recent school year, 2022-2023, 64% of students showed at least one grade level of growth, but the average grade level by the end of the year was 5.5. ABC High School is a grade eight through twelve building. By identifying the problem, reviewing literature, reviewing data, and developing and implementing interventions that can be assessed and reviewed, this research hopes to foster a culture of excellence and equity, ultimately empowering our educational community to enact meaningful change and unlock the academic success for every student. Problem The problem is low student achievement in reading as evidenced by Universal screener scores. Many factors influence the academic success of students in ABC High School, including but not limited to, socioeconomic disadvantages, inadequate teacher training, low levels of student engagement, and lack of individualized support. Students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds may face barriers such as limited access to resources, inadequate nutrition, unstable housing, and lack of parental involvement in education, all of which can impede their academic progress (Caro & Cortina, 2008). Teachers in ABC High School have given feedback that they receive more training on trauma informed training and restorative practices, rather than instructional strategies and differentiation. Of the 15 instructional staff in the building, only 6 of them have a teaching degree with experience directly in the educational
3 field. The other staff members are instructional aides or lead teachers who hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field but did not attend a teacher preparation program. Didion et al (2019) make it clear that “Teachers require adequate training to implement evidence-based practices so that students can receive high-quality instruction across content areas.” Low levels of student engagement, motivation, and self-efficacy can dampen enthusiasm for learning and result in disinterest or disengagement from academic pursuits, leading to limited growth. Another rationale for low student growth is the lack of individualized support for students. Students who do not receive adequate support tailored to their unique learning needs, including differentiated instruction, interventions for struggling learners, or enrichment opportunities for advanced students, may experience limited growth compared to their peers. Looking at the current enrollment, 94% of the students have and Individualized Education Plan. By observation, not all classrooms are utilizing small group instruction or other instructional supports as listed on IEPs, despite having multiple adults in each classroom. The background of this problem is that ABC High School is comprised of 89 students grades 8-12 and runs 7 classrooms, including Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Art, Health/Physical Education, and Supplemental English Language Arts. Each grade makes up one class and they rotate on a block schedule where they visit all classrooms at least once a day, which includes an intervention block. A classroom is made up of the lead teacher and at least one other support staff that is an intervention specialist, instructional aide, or Title I teacher. The district has put a focus on student behaviors and provided professional development on trauma informed instruction and restorative practices. The school does not offer any extracurricular programs or activities for students to be involved with and there is not a strong sense of school pride. Students often make comments that they are the “dumb kids” or “bad kids” compared to their peers who attend their main district in the community. This not only puts a low self-efficacy on the students, but if teachers believe these biases, they may adjust
4 the rigor of their instruction and therefore limit a student’s learning potential. There are many factors that play into the low academic success of the students in ABC High School. Purpose The purpose of this action research study will be to investigate the root causes of low student achievement within ABC High School, implement targeted interventions informed by evidence-based practices, and assess their effectiveness in improving student outcomes. This study aims to address the pressing need for actionable solutions to enhance student achievement, considering the why, how, who, what, and where of the intended research. The study seeks to identify the underlying factors contributing to low student achievement, understanding the effects of socioeconomic, instructional, and environmental variables impacting student learning and growth. Through a systematic inquiry process, data will be collected, analyzed, and synthesized to uncover patterns, trends, and potential areas for intervention. Collaborative efforts involving educators, administrators, students, and other stakeholders will inform the design and implementation of targeted interventions tailored to the specific needs of our students. The research will involve an analysis of student achievement data, qualitative inquiry into student experiences and perceptions, and action-oriented interventions aimed at addressing identified barriers to success. The study will take place within ABC High School, encompassing various classrooms, grade levels, and subject areas to capture the diverse perspectives and experiences of our student population. As a result of this study, several potential outcomes are anticipated. Firstly, a deeper understanding of the factors influencing low student achievement will emerge, providing insights and actionable recommendations for improving teaching and learning practices. Secondly, the implementation of targeted interventions informed by research and best practices has the potential to lead to measurable improvements in student outcomes, including increased
5 academic performance, engagement, and motivation. Finally, the collaborative nature of action research fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within our educational community, empowering stakeholders to enact meaningful change and cultivate a learning environment that promotes the success and well-being of all students. Research Questions In addressing low student achievement, this action research study seeks to unravel the challenges and opportunities within this school. Through a systematic inquiry process, the underlying factors contributing to this issue and identify effective interventions to propel student success will be explored. The following questions will guide the literature review of the action research study: 1. How do differentiated instructional strategies tailored to individual learning styles impact student engagement and achievement in reading? 2. What specific support mechanisms, such as peer tutoring programs or small-group interventions, have been shown to effectively reduce the effects of socioeconomic disadvantages on student reading comprehension levels? 3. What specific elements of ongoing professional development programs for teachers contribute most effectively to improved student engagement and academic achievement in diverse classroom settings? In Figure 1, the alignment between the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions of this action research study is depicted. The problem statement highlights the pressing need to confront low student achievement within our educational context, setting the stage for the purpose statement, which outlines the study's overarching goals and intentions. The research questions further elucidate the specific inquiries that will guide the investigation
6 into factors contributing to low achievement and the development of effective interventions to address them. Figure 1 Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, and Research Questions Alignment Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions The persistent challenge of low student achievement within our school necessitates a proactive and evidence-based approach to identify and address contributing factors. This action research study seeks to investigate the root causes of low student achievement, implement targeted interventions informed by evidence-based practices, and assess their effectiveness in improving student outcomes. 1. How do differentiated instructional strategies tailored to individual learning styles impact student engagement and achievement in reading? 2. What specific support mechanisms, such as peer tutoring programs or small- group interventions, have been shown to effectively reduce the effects of socioeconomic disadvantages on student reading comprehension levels? 3. What specific elements of ongoing professional development programs for teachers contribute most effectively to improved student engagement and academic achievement in diverse classroom settings?
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