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Houston Community College *

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Health Science


May 14, 2024





Uploaded by DrSnailMaster1019

LaTonya Wingwood-Franklin Herzing University: Unit 1 12 May 2024 Subject: Response to your concerns about Herzing Wellness Program Dear Emma,
I appreciate you getting in touch with me about your worries about the wellness program at Herzing Hospital. I am grateful for your input and fully get your viewpoint. Ensuring inclusion for all workers and addressing any possible discriminatory behaviors are crucial. In response to your inquiries, a thorough description of how we may assess and update the wellness program policies to accommodate expectant mothers and handle the problem of pregnancy status disclosure while maintaining employee privacy can be found below. Assessment and Modification of Policies for Wellness Programs: a) Reevaluating the BMI criterion: You are 100% correct that pregnant women may not be suitable candidates for the BMI criterion because it is not a clinically reliable indicator of a woman's health during pregnancy. We will amend the wellness program policy to meet this and incorporate other metrics for the health and wellbeing of expectant staff members. In order to establish appropriate and equitable standards that take into account the special circumstances of pregnancy while upholding the program's overarching goal of promoting employee well-being, we shall confer with medical specialists and subject matter experts. b) Putting Flexible Program features into Practice: We will amend the BMI criteria and include flexible program features to meet the unique requirements of pregnant personnel. Pregnant personnel should not face any discrimination or be denied program participation; this might involve offering alternate screening choices or exemptions for specific biometric features. c) Raising Awareness and Accessibility: In order to guarantee inclusion, we will improve outreach and information sharing regarding the wellness program, paying particular attention to issues and concerns pertaining to expectant staff members. This will promote a culture of tolerance and understanding, inspire support, and assist increase knowledge among all employees. Pregnancy Status Disclosure and Employee Privacy: We acknowledge that a woman's pregnancy is a private matter, and we respect her right to privacy should she decide not to reveal her status. Herzing Hospital has safeguards in place to secure sensitive data as we appreciate and preserve the privacy of our employees. We would want to reassure you that staff are not obligated to reveal their pregnant status in order to take part in the wellness program, in response to your inquiry. a) Anonymous Participation: We will make sure that employees may participate in the wellness program anonymously, avoiding the need to provide any personal information, including whether or not they are pregnant. Workers who desire to take part should not worry about their pregnant status being disclosed to management, human resources, or coworkers. b) Security Protocols: We have strong security protocols in place to protect the privacy of our employees. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other relevant regulations shall be followed in the handling of all personal health information, including biometric data, that is gathered throughout the wellness program. To safeguard our workers' private information, our HR and administrative departments will follow stringent privacy guidelines.
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