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Health Science


May 17, 2024





Uploaded by DeaconRedPandaMaster119

HLTH3303 2021 S2 Final Exam SECTION A: 60 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (60 MARKS) Q1. Uraemic syndrome can cause a.Uremic syndrome can cause all of the symptoms given here. b. Fetor. c. A sallow skin. d.Uraemic frost. e. Pruritis. Q2. A 25 year old female has a 2cm in diameter ovarian cyst. The correct management is a. Watch and follow up with an ultrasound in one year. b. Immediate surgery and removal as it could rupture. c. Monitor symptoms but it will likely disappear on its own after a few months. d. Immediate surgery and removal as it will go on to ovarian cancer. e. Surgery followed by radiation as it is a pre-cancerous condition. Q3. In stage 2 ovarian cancer a. The cancer is in one or both ovaries and has spread to other organs in the pelvis. b. The cancer is now in both ovaries but has not spread. c. The cancer is in one or both ovaries and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. d. The cancer is in one or both ovaries and has spread to the peritoneum. e. The cancer is in one ovary only. Q4. The initial spinal shock following a complete spinal cord injury is characterised by a. Loss of motor function below the level of the lesion and sensory loss at the level of the lesion. b. Loss of motor function below the level of the lesion and sensory loss above the level of the lesion c. Spastic paralysis below the level of the lesion. d. Flaccid paralysis at the level of the lesion, and spastic paralysis below the level of the lesion. e. Flaccid paralysis and loss of all sensation below the level of the lesion. Q5. A fracture in which the bone fragments are pushed into each other is called
a. A compression fracture. b. A displaced fracture. c. A greenstick fracture. d. A torus fracture. e. An impacted fracture. Q6. Which of the following is a known cause of prostatic cancer? a. High testosterone levels. b. None of these choices are known causes of prostatic cancer. c. Obesity. d. Diet. e. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Q7. A fair, blond Irish 35 year old woman presents with stinging facial erythema, with nodules, pustules and telangiectasia. The most likely cause for this is a. Allergic contact dermatitis. b. Acne rosacea. c. Herpes zoster. d. Cutaneous lupus erythematosis. e. Scleroderma. Q8. A 30-year-old male suffered trauma to his penis, resulting in fibrosis in a section of the tunica albuginea. He is most likely to develop: a. Phimosis. b. Peyronie's disease. c. A hydrocoele. d. Priapism. e. Paraphimosis. Q9. A young male presents with a penile discharge. He reports recently having unprotected sex with a new partner. Which of the following is the UNLIKELY cause of his presentation? a. Treponema pallidum. b. All of the organisms given here can cause his presentation. c. Trichomonas vaginalis.
d. Chlamydia trachomatis. e. Neisseria gonorrhoea. Q10. A patient presents with a skin condition on his arms that is red, swollen, blistering and itchy. Which of the following conditions is it likely to be? a. Psoriasis. b. Acne rosacea. c. Cutaneous lupus erythematosis. d. Acute irritant contact dermatitis. e. Chronic atopic dermatitis. Q11. A middle aged male presents with pain in his neck, shoulders and back. His eyes are also painful and he has difficulty focusing. He has scaly red skin patches on his elbows and knees. The likely diagnosis is a. Osteoarthritis. b. Osgood-Schlatter disease. c. Rheumatoid arthritis. d. Psoriatic arthritis. e. Ankylosing spondylitis. Q12. Abnormal accumulation of alpha synuclein into aggregates called Lewy bodies occurs in a. Parkinson's disease. b. Huntington's disease. c. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. d. Alzheimer's disease. e. Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Q13. Many children in a day care centre have come down with an infection that begins with small blisters that if left untreated form penetrating skin ulcers called ecthyma. The likely condition is a. Skin candidiasis. b. Scabies. c. Varicella zoster. d. Herpes zoster.
e. Impetigo. Q14. A mutation in the gene that codes for filaggrin can result in a. Psoriasis. b. Cutaneous lupus erythematosis. c. Acne rosacea. d. Scleroderma. e. Atopic dermatitis. Q15. Bouchard and Heberden nodes in the fingers are typical of a. Osteoarthritis. b. Psoriatic arthritis. c. Ankylosing spondylitis. d. Gouty arthritis. e. Rheumatoid arthritis. Q16. Delayed onset muscle soreness a. Is due to the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle. b. Is more likely after unaccustomed isometric muscle contraction. c. Results from excessive anaerobic exercise. d. Is equivalent to a grade 2 muscle strain. e. Is the result of microtrauma to exercised muscle fibres. Q17. Which of the following forms of dermatitis is endogenous? a. Both atopic and seborrhoeic dermatitis. b. Seborrhoeic dermatitis. c. Allergic contact dermatitis. d. Both atopic and allergic contact dermatitis. e. Atopic dermatitis. Q18. An excess of which substances by the endometrium results in primary dysmenorrhoea? a. Prostaglandins. b. Progesterones. c. Autoantibodies.
d. Oestrogens. e. Inflammatory cytokines. Q19. True or false: benign renal tumours are uncommon a. False b. True Q20. Which of the following conditions is the result of a bacterial infection spreading in the dermis? a. Cellulitis. b. Eczema. c. Tinea corporis. d. Impetigo. e. Scalded skin syndrome. Q21. Which of the following skin cancers is the most common in Australia and New Zealand? a. Actinic keratosis. b. Basal cell carcinoma. c. Bowen's disease. d. Melanoma. e. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Q22. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for breast cancer? a. Tallness. b. Premenopausal obesity, c. Hormone replacement therapy, d. High alcohol consumption. e. Age. Q23. Which condition causes dense cranial bones and compression of cranial nerves? a. Osteomalacia. b. Both Paget's and osteomalacia. c. Paget's disease. d. Both Paget's and osteopetrosis.
e. Osteopetrosis. Q24. The cause of infertility in a third of women with endometriosis is a. Phagocytosis of sperm by inflammatory macrophages. b. High levels of prostaglandins. c. All of the choices given here can cause infertility in this condition. d. Hyperprolactinaemia. e. Adhesions obstructing ovum transport through the fallopian tubes. Q25. Symptoms of prostatitis are similar to symptoms of: a. Epididymitis. b. Prostate cancer. c. Urinary tract infection. d. Benign prostatic hypertrophy. e. Primary syphilis. Q26. Which of the following is NOT a clinical manifestation of increased intracranial pressure? a. Dysarthria. b. Nausea and vomiting. c. Papilloedema. d. Increased mean arterial pressure. e. Headache. Q27. Secondary dysmenorrhea is NOT typical in a. Uterine fibroids. b. Endometriosis. c. Polycystic ovarian syndrome. d. Pelvic inflammatory disease. e. Adenomyosis. Q28. A common complaint from men with mild-to-moderate benign prostatic hypertrophy is: a. Dysuria. b. Decreased urinary stream.
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