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Health Science


May 18, 2024





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PUBH 8004: Foundations for Doctoral Success in Public Health Strengths Finder Response Template 1. List the five most dominant themes from your Signature Themes report. 1. Relator 2. Futuristic 3. Focus 4. Achiever 5. Analytical 2. Explain your reaction to the results. Discuss any results that you found surprising or disappointing. Upon my initial review of my five most dominant themes from my Signature Themes report I was not surprised. Over my life, from childhood to adulthood, I have always been hyper-aware of my personality characteristics. As a child I was told that I was analytical and had big dreams, which correlated to the fact that I was ambitious and was a high achiever. This progressed into adulthood where I was constantly praised for being able to “do it all”. This theme ties into my Signature Themes report of focus, achiever, and futuristic. I am constantly focusing on the future and asking myself the question of what I am currently doing to help progress my future, not only for myself but for my family. In addition to the themes of futuristic, focus, and achiever, my bottom theme is analytical. This is a characteristic of myself that I am working on due to sometimes being over-analytical and causing more issues for myself than helping. I was surprised to see that it was one of my lesser strengths, because in my mind I have not currently been as successful at working on being less analytical than I would like. I was surprised to see that my top theme was relator, usually with these type of strengths tests my top theme is achievement or focus. But I see through this strengths finder that I am prioritizing the relationships that I currently have. I believe this is result of simply getting older and realizing that it is not about the quantity of friends that I have but the quality. I have a small but strong group of friends and those are relationships that I thrive on maintaining but also continuously building.
3. Discuss whether you already maximize these strengths and, if not, how you might do so. I am unsure if I “maximize” these results or if they are simply a part of who I am as a whole person. That being said after reading the in- depth meaning behind my strengths here is what I have concluded about ways I could maximize these strengths in my life. The first strength of being a relator is something I naturally have started encompassing within my life. I could maximize this strength by setting aside specific time to reach out to that close circle of friends I have. We all know that life gets busy, especially once you have children. However, by carving out specific time to enhance those connections with my group of friends it shows them that they are a priority and continues to build upon that trust. According to Gallup, those that have relator as a top theme have a very small group of friends with whom they have incredibly deep relationships while also knowing many different types of people and making connections (Gallup, Clifton Strengths 2024). The second strength of being futuristic is a strength that I have always encompassed. From the time I started school I was always calculating how each of my choices would impact on my future. I constantly looked at how my grades would impact the college I would go to, the major I chose would impact my career choices, the people I dated, could I see a future with them. As I have gotten older this is a strength that has become even more important within my life. This is a strength that I currently maximize by always considering how every choice I make can impact the future. A prime example of this is choosing what jobs I apply for. Currently, we live in Boise, Idaho, and by looking at the possibility of jobs in other states, I am also considering what this could mean for my and my family's future. My third strength is that of focus which encompasses setting goals which helps to create a sort of road map for my life. This is in the middle of all my strengths, and I believe this is because while I have many goals for myself and my family, I cannot always maintain my focus on those specific goals. One way I feel I could maximize this strength is by setting less goals but putting more focus on those goals, rather than having multiple goals and trying to split my focus between all of them, essentially falling short on some of them. Right now, one of my main focuses is this doctoral program, I dedicate a lot of time into ensuring I am meeting deadlines. However, because one of my lower priority focuses is
household chores it creates an environment that feels chaotic, pulling focus away from my schoolwork. By creating a system where I focus a certain amount of time on household chores, this may all me to be able to put more focus on my schoolwork because my environment will feel less chaotic. My fourth strength is that of being an achiever. I believe this is lower on my strengths list because I have less time to be intense about my goals and achievements. Prior to having children, I believe this would have been one of my top strengths because I was so driven by what I wanted and what I needed to do in order to accomplish it. However now that I have three young children, more of my attention and focus goes towards them and ensuring they have what they need and helping them achieve their goals. So, while this is not currently one of my top strengths I do feel as those I am maximizing this goal for my current situation. I am still achieving meaningful outcomes for the goals I set for myself. My fifth strength is being analytical. This is my lesser strength of all five of them, and I believe this is because as I have gotten older and have been exposed to more situations, I have gained more intuition This has allowed me to “go with my gut” rather than always having to analyze every aspect of a situation. That said, there are situations where I analyze multiple components of it and make determinations and choices based off those components. One way I could maximize this strength is by creating pro/con lists, which is something I used to do regularly in high school and within my undergraduate program. 4. Predict how the results will help you in your doctoral program. Having these results helped to confirm suspicions I already had about myself and the strengths that I posess but also allowed me to break them down and find ways I could maximize these strengths to my advantage. A doctoral program is a huge undertaking and requires an immense amount of dedication and time, and being able to maximize on all my strengths gives me the ability to reach my full potential and apply those strengths to this doctoral program. According to Gallup Action items inform students how they can put their strengths to use every day. The report also highlights ways strengths may impede success (Gallup, Clifton Strengths 2024). Strengths are often considered positive characteristics; however, Cliftons Strength Finder also informs students of how these strengths could impede progress and success, which is equally important.
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