POlicy Study Guide



University of Maryland, Baltimore *

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Health Science


May 19, 2024





Uploaded by MinisterSummer18233

Question 1 Identify the one action that is significant for the new age leader. a . Establishing the scope of work b . Identifying the expected outcomes c . Building relationships d . Making sure the policies are followed Question 2 Leadership of teams requires a . Recognition of collective expertise b . Recognition of value of synergy c . Facilitation, not control, of the process d . All of the above Question 3 Leaders in complex, adaptive systems must a . Adhere to a vertical hierarchy for communication b . Build relationships c . Manage intersections and contexts d . B and C above Question 4 Previously, nurses who worked in hospitals were expected to a . Challenge established processes and routines b . Inquire and seek evidence for practice c View health care team members as colleagues not bound
. by rigid hierarchy d . Adhere to process and routine Question 5 Components of high quality health care include all but one of the following a . Adequate scientific knowledge b . Separation of financial and clinical decision-making c . Stand-alone health care organizations d . Competent health care providers Question 6 Medicare policy indicates that if a client develops certain conditions while hospitalized, the hospital will not be reimbursed for the care of the client. Quality care can prevent which of the following outcomes: a . Unexpected surgery b . Poor blood sugar control c . Unexpected weight loss d . Yeast infection Question 7 Quantum Leadership requires a . Center-out decision making b . Top down decision making c . Focus on control d . Process-driven action Question 8 Access to healthcare relates to which of the following factors?
a . Transportation b . Waiting time to get an appointment c . Clinic hours d . All of the above Question 9 Characteristics of complex, adaptive systems of care include a . Integration b . Team action c . Unpredictabil ity d . All of the above Question 10 Organizations measuring the quality of care include a . The Joint Commission b . The National Committee for Quality Assurance c . The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities d . All of the above Question 11 Complexity Science requires organizations to shift to a . Adaptability b . A rigid hierarchy c . Demand adherence to formal policies and chains of communication d Value routines
. Question 12 Newtonian characteristics of an organizational hierarchy include: a . Vertical chain of command and hierarchy b . Emphasize consistency and elimination of variance c . Valuing creativity and changing approaches to completing the task d . A and B only Question 13 Patient-centered care is one of the six domains of: a . Quality b . Patient Safety c . Informatics d . Evidence-based practice Question 14 What are the barriers to the implementation of EBP in health care? Select all that apply. Choose at least one answer. a . There is a shortage of nurses. b . Nurses experience time constraints in practice settings. c . Nurses lack resources to find information. d . Nurses are unwilling to change their practice habits. Question 15 The process dimension of quality of care evaluates a . What we do to or for patients b . The results of the care we give to patients c . Complications resulting from the care we give patients
d . The resources used to provide care to patients (staff, facilities, equipment) Question 16 A bureaucratic organization can be described by all of the following except: a . Detailed rules b . Division of labor c . Open access to management by staff d . Defined hierarchy Question 17 In a complex adaptive system, what type of relationships contribute to your being a successful contributor to the organization and or unit goals and mission? a . Vertical hierarchical positions/ supervisors b . Peer colleagues c . Working with a group of professionals with similar ideas and approaches d . Horizontal relationships with others who have diverse perspectives and expertise Question 18 Current hospital stays are characterized by a . Task-oriented care b . Organized and linear flow of information c . High patient acuity d . No need for discharge planning activities Question 19 You want to improve practice on your unit that has had unsatisfactory number and injury related to falls. Your goal is to identify new evidence that supports a new approach. You form a workgroup. What criteria would help you identify the most appropriate members to work on the fall prevention team based on leadership principles in complex adaptive systems? Identify the two that apply.
a . Wrote the existing policy on prevention of falls b . Demonstrated ability to conduct evidence review and level the evidence c . Recognized for creativity in changing practice and new approaches d . Has had family experience with a loved one who fractures their hip due to a fall Question 20 An information system that collects data from the health sector and other relevant sectors, analyzes the data and converts data into information for health-related decision-making is a(n): a . CIS b . HIS c . EH R d . CD S Question 21 What is the intent of the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) program “Handle with Care”? Choose one answer. a . Staff safety b . Sentinel events prevention c . Prevention of errors d . Patient safety Question 22 Principles of interdependence in the new age include all but one of the following a . Action in one aspect of the system has an effect in other aspects of the system b . Relationship building is the primary work of leadership c . Interacting properties in systems make outcomes mobile and fluid d Chain command and hierarchy govern channels of
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