As muscle cells grow and strengthen, they add more protein and... Select one: a. fewer acto-myosin complexes b. less sarcoplasmic reticulum c. amuch greater quantity of fat d. additional nucleii Sarcopenia, muscle atrophy, or loss of muscle mass can result from all of the following EXCEPT... Select one: a. photolysis, or increased exposure to sunlight. b. diseases like muscular dystrophy. c. anormal pattern of aging. d. becoming more sedentary. The energy cost of walking or running a mile at 2 mph or 5 mph is... Select one: a. about equal. b. greater at the higher speed because of wind resistance. c. less at the higher speed. d. greater at the higher speed because the change from walking to a running gait requires more muscles for propulsion. Another name for a muscle cell, i.e. the material inside a contiguous cell membrane, is... Select one: a. sarcomere b. myofibile c. muscle fiber d. biceps Most human muscles have both red and white muscle fiber. Match the muscle color with the characteristics red fibers slow twitch and aerobic 4 white fibers | fast twitch and anaerobic %