

George Mason University *

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Health Science


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by ColonelStrawTarsier33

Presenting Issues: - Dave arrived 10 minutes late to the session and expressed his belief that attending the treatment center is only beneficial for his upcoming trial, considering his previous DUI program was "a waste of time." - Dave is concerned about his employer finding out about his treatment and his second DUI arrest, which may affect his professional standing. - Dave reported arguments with his wife, Melanie, regarding his drinking, leading to increased estrangement from her and their two sons. - Dave became angry when asked about his drinking habits, asserting that he is not an alcoholic because his father was one. - Dave experiences difficulty sleeping without alcohol and feelings of being "closed in" or "suffocating" when attempting to abstain from drinking.
- Dave's lawyer recommended completing the 30-day program before his trial, and although reluctant, Dave is willing due to concerns about the court outcome. Assessment: Dave's reluctance and skepticism towards treatment, coupled with his denial of being an alcoholic, indicate potential resistance to change. His drinking has strained his relationship with his wife and caused emotional distance from his children. Dave exhibits signs of alcohol dependence, as evidenced by his difficulty sleeping and experiencing discomfort when abstaining from alcohol. Plan: 1. Establish rapport and therapeutic alliance: Address Dave's concerns about treatment, emphasizing the potential benefits beyond his trial and the importance of addressing his drinking problem for the well-being of himself and his family.
2. Explore Dave's perception of alcoholism: Engage in a non- confrontational discussion about his beliefs regarding alcoholism and how it relates to his father's experience. Educate Dave about the spectrum of alcohol use disorders and help him understand the impact of his drinking on his life. 3. Address coping strategies and support systems: Work with Dave to identify healthier coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and sleep difficulties, such as relaxation techniques or alternative activities. Explore potential support systems within his family, friends, or community to provide him with encouragement and accountability. 4. Psychoeducation on the effects of alcohol on sleep: Educate Dave about the impact of alcohol on sleep quality and the importance of establishing healthier sleep patterns during his abstinence period. Provide guidance on sleep hygiene practices to improve his sleep without relying on alcohol. 5. Individual therapy sessions: Conduct regular individual therapy sessions to delve deeper into the underlying causes of Dave's
drinking and help him develop healthier coping strategies to address his emotional distress. 6. Collaboration with legal team: Liaise with Dave's lawyer to ensure a coordinated approach to his treatment and address any legal concerns or requirements. 7. Referral for marital therapy: Suggest marital therapy to address the strain on Dave's relationship with Melanie and facilitate communication and resolution of conflicts surrounding his drinking. 8. Regular progress assessments: Monitor Dave's progress throughout the 30-day program, focusing on his motivation for change, adherence to abstinence, and improvement in his relationship with his wife and children. Note: It is crucial to approach Dave with empathy and understanding, acknowledging his concerns while gently challenging his denial and resistance to change. Building a strong
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