HIM2000 Module 03 CDI Specialist
CDI Specialist Worksheet
Go to
to research the role of a Clinical Documentation
Improvement Specialist.
Find CDI on the career wheel and hover over the title. Answer the
questions below using a few sentences.
Note: Your answers should
be limited to a few sentences.
Part 1:
AHIMA Career Map
Your findings
What is the Promotional
What is the Transitional
What skills are required
List Job Responsibilities
Part 2:
CDI Job Responsibility and Skill Sets
Conduct a job search for a CDI Specialist position. You can utilize your CSA, AHIMA job banks
or run a search on job search engines or enter "CDI Specialist" or "Clinical Documentation
Improvement Jobs" on your internet browser and see what you find. You might also locate the
CDI association and check their job bank. Also, look at the job banks at your local hospitals to
see if they have any CDI positions open.
Once you locate a job opening, review the job posting and look at the position requirements.
What skill sets are needed for this position? Select a job that you can relate to and can be
addressed by a Health Information Professional. Copy the job duties into Part 2 in the worksheet
provided below and then relate what skills and knowledge you would need to complete the job
duties listed. Then briefly explain what HIM function is related.
Job Site URL
Job Duties
Skill set and/or
What HIM function is
Does this job align
with what you
learned when you
reviewed the
AHIMA Career
Explain your answer:
Start by stating if this is a job you would
want, why or why not?