Assignment 2b: HIS Key Layers
Choose a healthcare organization: Payers, Insurance Companies, and government
programs and Agencies
Explain the role HIS can play through the four key layers:
Systems and their Management: HIS helps in this layer to provide patient health
information, any and all data and the research that comes from this. An example
of this can be done through Electronic Health Records (EHRs).
EHRs help to
manage records from providers for insurance companies and medicare and
medicaid. This system aims to provide accuracy which is a very crucial aspect in
order to process patient records correctly. Another example of this would be
claims processing systems. HIS can automate submissions and payment
processes. This helps to get all the proper paperwork in order so that both the
patients and insurance providers can be billed accordingly and healthcare
providers are reimbursed for their services.
Health Informatics: This helps to improve the way that work is done and
improves practice, this is also used to develop ways to use systems to improve
overall health. Data can be collected through population health management. This
can be used when trying to identify populations at risk in order to provide
personalized care depending on the needs.
Data and Analytics: This consists of business intelligence and clinical intelligence.
Business intelligence is used when reporting interactive analyses, visualization
and statistical data mining. Information is often gathered about other companies in
the same industry. Insurance companies might use these tactics in order to
promote themselves better. Clinical intelligence is the knowledge that is gained
from the use of data mining, pattern matching, data visualization and modeling
tools to produce algorithms to help clinicians make better decisions. For example,
collecting data from various diabetes patients and looking over outcomes when
taking different medications can help clinicians better determine which
medications have a higher success rate.
Research, Policy, and Public Health: This is used to conduct research, implement
policy, and improve the public’s health. There are many ways that research can be
done depending on what results you are looking for. Clinicians are to conduct
research, use research to formulate their new policies and then use those policies
in order to improve the public’s health.