Refer to Chapter 8 of
Groups: Process and Practice
and share how the use of
role-plays among group members could affect the stages of group development.
(Share an example using at least one stage of group development.) What purpose
could role-play serve for individual members and for the group as a whole?
While looking at this question and reading the chapter, it makes sense to choose the working
stage for the group to be in to assist with role-play. While in a group setting I am going to
utilize my experiences with this discussion. While working in a family therapy setting I look at
how role-play can impact in that setting. I look at crossing a barrier that is hindering progress
between the care giver alliance and while the working stage is to get the group past the
barriers that could be affecting the progress of the group. This situation could benefit from
the parents taking roles in their children shoes to assist to see where communication may be
lacking and having the facilitator be a parent. The way it could go wrong is with digs and when
hurtful feelings come into the session. This would have to be a very delicate process and have
rules and expectations. For any type of role play rules and expectations are important to go
over to ensure that everyone takes it seriously and appropriately. I know that personally role
play is something I think I would struggle with facilitating alone and that being said going
through the process of setting up the situation and being mindful of time and sensitivities.
Corey M. S., Corey G., & Corey C. (2018).
Groups: Process and practice
(10th ed.). Cengage
Learning. ISBN-13: 9781305865709