Post-Fitness Assessment
The Post-Fitness Assessment is worth 30
points (4 pts, for the upload)
Part 1:
Repeat the Fitness Assessment completed for the Pre-Fitness Assessment, Activity 3.1 (page 51).
If you did not complete the Pre-Fitness Assessment or need a reminder about how to complete
page 51 from the textbook, please review the Pre-Fitness submodule from week two for the
instructions and a student example of the completed pre-fitness assessment, page 51. Submit
the post-fitness assessment for credit. [16- points]
Part 2:
Respond to the two prompts, save as a PDF file, and submit this page to the post-fitness
assignment folder for credit [10 points].
On a scale of 1 to 5, with one representing the least amount of perceived
appreciation for physical activity and five representing the most, select your
perceived level of appreciation. (SLO 5)
In a few sentences, can you explain using a credible source why someone should
develop an appreciation and positive attitude toward healthy lifestyles? (SLO5)
Following a healthy lifestyle comes with a multitude of benefits. Tianna Hickland
states, “This study underscores the importance of following healthy lifestyle
habits for improving longevity in the U.S. population”. ( It can lead to a
greater appreciations of ones self, a longer life, better mood, better sleep, and
overall greater quality of life. This to me is imperative to the livelyhood of people
and I wish it was appreciated and followed more often.