USW11_NURS_6050_Global Health Comparison Grid Template



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Global Health Olga Ramirez Master of Science in Nursing, Walden University 6050N-15: Policy & Advocacy for Improving Population Health Usama Saleh, RN, PhD August 11, 2023 © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 1 Global Health Comparison Grid Template
Global Health Comparison Grid Template Use this document to complete the Module 6 Assessment Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Global Healthcare Issue Covid-19 Description COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus called SARS-CoV-2. (WHO n.d.). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and has since spread globally, resulting in a pandemic. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the world, affecting millions of people's health, economies, and daily lives. Reference: World Health Organization (WHO) (n.d.) Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19) Country United States China Describe the policy in each The policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been multifaceted and has China’s policy for COVID-19 has been evolving over time, with a focus on controlling the spread of the virus. From the early stages of the © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 2
country related to the identified healthcare issue evolved over time. It has involved the collaboration of various entities such as local government, federal agencies, and public health organizations. Initially, the United States declared a state of emergency, triggering a federal response and the allocation of funds to address the crisis. This declaration allowed for the necessary financial resources to be directed towards combating the virus. Additionally, travel restrictions were implemented to control the spread of the virus, particularly from individuals coming from areas with high numbers of positive cases. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention n.d.) These restrictions played a crucial role in curbing the transmission of the virus across borders. Furthermore, testing and surveillance as essential methods for identifying and monitoring health issues. By implementing widespread testing and surveillance measures, health authorities were able to track the spread of the virus more effectively and implement targeted interventions (WHO 2023) Overall, the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic has encompassed a range of measures, including emergency declarations, travel restrictions, and testing and surveillance, all aimed at mitigating the impact of the virus and outbreak in Wuhan, China took swift and decisive action by implementing a city-wide lockdown and establishing measures such as testing, contact tracing, and isolation of infected individuals. These measures proved to be effective in controlling the spread of the virus within China. Additionally, travel restrictions were put in place to limit the movement of people and prevent the virus from spreading further. One notable development in China's response to COVID-19 is the use of QR color codes to track citizens' health and travel. This innovative approach allows the government to monitor and control the movement of its citizens, providing valuable data for containing the virus (Cong 2021) Overall, China's evolving policy response, the effectiveness of its measures, and the use of QR color codes have significant implications for global efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. China implemented a range of measures to control the spread of the virus, and their effectiveness has been a subject of debate. According to an article published in Science, Kraemer et al. (2020) acknowledge that China's actions, such as early detection and reporting of the virus, implementation of travel restrictions, mass quarantine, and construction of new hospitals at an unprecedented speed, have played a significant role in containing the spread of the virus(Cheng n.d.). These measures have allowed the Chinese authorities to reduce the number of new cases, prevent cross-border transmission, and minimize the impact on the healthcare system. Furthermore, the study highlights that the strict social distancing measures and the widespread use of face masks have also contributed to limiting the transmission of the virus. Reference: Kraemer., CH Yang., B Gutierrez., CH Wu., B Klein."The effect of © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 3
protecting public health. References: Center for Disease Control (WHO)n.d. Travel Restrictions to Prevent the Spread of Disease. restrictions Center for Disease Control 10/04/2023, Covid 19 Data and Surveillance. ncov/covid-data/faq-surveillance human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China. “ ZJ Cheng. “Public health measures and the control of COVID-19 in China n.d.." 08900-2 W Cong."From pandemic control to data-driven governance: The case of China's health code. " What are the strengths of this policy? The development and distribution of vaccines in the United States has been a significant strength in the country's response to the global pandemic. One of the key factors contributing to this success has been the emphasis on data sharing (White House, n.d.). Throughout the vaccine development process, scientists and researchers have been working collaboratively to share information and findings, allowing for a more efficient and effective response. This commitment to transparency and knowledge exchange has accelerated the progress in vaccine development, enabling the U.S. to develop and approve multiple vaccines in record time. The emphasis on data sharing, public The strengths of the China policy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are evident in the early measures taken, such as the implementation of lockdowns, quarantines, and movement restrictions in Wuhan (Gao & Zhang 2021) These measures proved to be effective in containing the spread of the virus and minimizing its impact. Additionally, China utilized technology to its advantage, developing and implementing the QR code system for citizen tracking (Cong 2021).. This innovative approach allowed for efficient monitoring and control of the virus's spread. Furthermore, China adopted a comprehensive approach to tackling the pandemic, with testing and contact tracing playing vital roles in identifying and isolating cases. The development of a vaccine further demonstrated China's commitment to combating the virus and protecting its population. Collectively, these strengths highlight the effectiveness and adaptability of China's policy in managing the COVID-19 crisis. © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 4
campaigns to educate the public, economic relief for citizens, and collaboration with international organizations have all played crucial roles on the strength of the covid policy (White House, n.d.). Reference : White House. (n.d.). National Covid-19 Preparedness Plan. Reference: Gao, J., & Zhang, P. (2021). China's Public Health Policies in Response to COVID-19: From an "Authoritarian" Perspective. Frontiers in public health , 9 , 756677. What are the weaknesses of this policy? The weaknesses in the USA's policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic have had detrimental effects on various aspects of the healthcare system. The lack of sufficient testing and tracing capabilities, inconsistent availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and vaccines, as well as the lack of coordination among government. agencies, have all contributed to the vulnerability of the country's healthcare infrastructure (Kim & Kreps 2020). This has been particularly evident in the impact on long-term care facilities, which have been hit hard by the virus. Moving forward, it is crucial for the USA to address these weaknesses and strengthen its policies China's policy weaknesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in terms of transparency, have been a cause for concern. The lack of transparency has not only impacted the privacy of Chinese citizens but also hindered the global response to the pandemic. Human rights concerns, such as restrictions on movement and freedom of information, have further exacerbated these issues (Yu & li 2020). It is crucial for governments to prioritize transparency, as it is a fundamental pillar for effective crisis management and safeguarding human rights. Reference: Yu, X., & Li, N. (2020). How Did Chinese Government Implement Unconventional Measures Against COVID-19 Pneumonia. Risk management and healthcare policy , 13 , 491–499. © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 5
to better protect the healthcare system and ensure the well-being of its citizens. Refence: Kim, D. K. D., & Kreps, G. L. (2020). An Analysis of Government Communication in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Effective Government Health Risk Communication. World medical & health policy , 12 (4), 398–412. Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) Social and economic status, housing conditions, environmental factors, and racial disparities are all significant social determinants influencing individuals' access to testing, medical care, and vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic (Solar et, al 2023). Social and economic status faces barriers to obtaining essential health services. As a result, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds may be disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as they may have different early detection and treatment opportunities. In China, air pollution is a significant concern, particularly in urban areas where rapid industrialization and increased vehicular emissions have led to high levels of pollutants. The social determinants of health that influence the impact of air pollution on respiratory health in China are multifaceted and can have far-reaching consequences. One crucial determinant is socioeconomic status, as individuals from lower-income backgrounds may have limited access to clean air resources or be exposed to higher levels of pollution due to their proximity to industrial areas or busy roads (Yang et al 2021).. Additionally, education plays a crucial role as it can empower individuals with knowledge about the health risks associated with air pollution and motivate them to take preventive measures. Another determinant is housing conditions, as individuals living in poorly © 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 6
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