Reading Questions for Week IX, 30 October-3 November Niccolo Pianciola, “The Collectivization Famine in Kazakhstan, 1931-1933.” Harvard Ukrainian Studies , Fall 2001, Vol. 25, No. 3/4 (Fall 2001), pp. 237-251, published by Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. -What comparisons between Ukraine and Kazakhstan does Pianciola make in this article? -In what way was Kazakhstan a settler colony? -Pianciola describes a series of devastating events in Kazakhstan in the 1920s, up to and including 1928. Summarize this history. Note that his reference to “debaiization” is the particular Kazakh context in which de-kulakization (purging of kulaks) occurred in Kazakhstan - a baii in Kazakhstan was considered a wealthy (sometimes nomadic) peasant, and therefore similar to a European kulak, though the reasoning is specious. -Describe the sedentarization policy of the Soviet Union and its implementation. -What happened to the Kazakhs and also the European settler-farmers in Kazakhstan? -What kinds of solutions to the crisis emerged in the early 1930s? -How does Pianciola describe responsibility for the human disaster in Kazakhstan and what conclusions does he reach? Kazkraikom: the name of the Kazakh republic communist party committee