Quiz 2



Liberty University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by sgimon17 on coursehero.com

Quiz 2: The Atlantic World 28/28 1. Which culture was most isolated in the fifteenth-century Atlantic world? a. Americas 2. The Niger River Valley had Islamic universities in the fifteenth century. a. True 3. Which of the following factors below is not true of fifteenth-century Europe? a. Unifying Scandinavian language heritage 4. Luther was highly critical of those listed below except for which one? a. Augustine of Hippo 5. Luther proposed that city governments be responsible for maintaining schools. a. True 6. Which educational thinker had the strongest impact on Puritan education of New England? a. John Calvin 7. What philosophy of education did Ignatius Loyola propagate through the missionary efforts of the Society of Jesus? a. Aquinas’ Scholasticism 8. In South America, which Spanish settlement became a hub of learning in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, known by its universities, printing press, and economic strength? a. Lima 9. When King Afonso I of Kongo invited the Jesuit missionaries to his kingdom, what religion was he already practicing? a. Christianity 10. What characteristics best describe Atlantic Creoles in the context of the plantation culture of the New World? i. Their experiences and language abilities often opened opportunities for Atlantic Creoles to mediate between planters and enslaved people
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