Which of the following are true about dynastic rule as opposed to the social order released by the French Revolution?
Selected Answer:
C. The people were reluctant to support a widespread draft, as they had no stake in the survival of the dynasty.
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Question 5
10 out of 10 points
As described in the lesson, what factor in counterinsurgency warfare in Spain seem similar to a guerilla force?
Selected Answer:
A. France's inability to follow Spanish insurgent into their sanctuaries
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Question 6
10 out of 10 points
The Russian "St. Petersburg Plan" was envisioned to do which of the following?
Selected Answer:
C. Use three Russian armies to trap Napoleon on the Berezina River
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Question 7
10 out of 10 points
While Napoleon genuinely desired to modernize Europe, what were his chief efforts in the conquered territories aimed at?
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