HIS 100 Module Two Activity Template: Historical Research Question
This activity is your last chance to choose a topic. Topic changes may be based on your research
or instructor feedback. Then write a historical research question that addresses an aspect of your finalized topic. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Non-graded portion
List your historical research topic here: o
Tulsa Massacre
Graded portion:
Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic. o
How was the state of Oklahoma mentally and economically affected, resulting in the tragedy of the Tulsa massacre??
Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a different question than you.
When reading, hearing, or discussing the events of the Tulsa Massacre, many viewpoints
can come to mind. A person's Background, demographic, and lack of awareness can all play a part when asking questions about this topic. Someone may believe the law is the law, and no one under any circumstances should challenge that. Another side may think that from the beginning of time, a particular race was superior to the other, and this group was in their right to perform such acts. With a melting pot of different people, how one is raised, taught, and seen can come different ways of looking at such an historical event as the Tulsa Massacre.