corrections project completed



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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CJ 210 Project Template Grant Proposal Statement of Need Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Address the following in your statement of need: Ideological Influence on Professional Practice [In 600–800 words, describe how the goals of sentencing may lead to specific programs and sentencing structures; explain the impact of sentencing structures; and describe how felony convictions create an unintended “invisible punishment.”] Goals and Programs The goals of sentencing can be achieved by implementing specific programs and sentencing structures that align with the desired outcomes. For instance, if the objective is deterrence, mandatory minimum sentences or community service can be utilized. On the other hand, if the aim is to rehabilitate, programs like counseling, vocational training, or substance abuse treatment can be incorporated. The goals of sentencing guide the development of these programs and structures so that they can cater to specific requirements.Retribution aims to punish the offender proportionately to the severity of their crime. Deterrence, on the other hand, aims to discourage the offender and others from committing the same crime through the use of punishment and the threat of punishment. Incapacitation is designed to protect the society by isolating the offender from the community through confinement or imprisonment. Rehabilitation aims to reform the offender and help them reintegrate into society by providing educational and emotional assistance programs. Lastly, restoration focuses on repairing the harm caused to the victim and restoring the relationship between the victim, offender, and the community. It may involve restitution and mediation.Inmates in prison can benefit from programs that help them grow personally and acquire new skills. These programs could include various types of courses, job training, counseling, and help to overcome addiction. By addressing the root causes that lead to criminal behavior, these programs aim to provide inmates with the necessary tools to rejoin society successfully. Different programs and systems for sentencing can be created with different goals in mind. Some programs aim to deter people from committing crimes in the future by giving them harsher sentences or more intense supervision. Others focus on helping people get better by offering counseling, job training, or help with addiction. Finally, some programs try to restore the community by involving victims and others in the process of making things right. Depending on what the goal is, different programs will be designed and carried out in different ways. Impact of Sentencing Structures The way a person is sentenced can have a big impact on the length of their incarceration and potential for rehabilitation. There are two types of sentencing structures: determinant and indeterminate. Determinant sentencing means that the length of the sentence is fixed and predetermined by law, which can lead to consistency in sentencing but may not consider individual circumstances or potential for rehabilitation. Indeterminate sentencing, on the other hand, offers more flexibility in determining the length of a sentence by using a range of time and allowing a parole board to decide when a person may be released based on factors such as behavior and progress in rehab programs.Felonies are more serious crimes and carry harsher penalties than misdemeanors. People convicted of felonies may face prison sentences ranging from a year or more to life imprisonment or even the death penalty in extreme cases. The consequences of a felony conviction can be severe, including loss of voting and firearm ownership rights and difficulty finding employment or housing.Misdemeanors are less serious crimes and carry lighter penalties, such as fines or probation. However, even a misdemeanor conviction can have lasting consequences, including a criminal record that can affect employment and other areas of life. Invisible Punishment Getting convicted of a felony can have serious consequences that go beyond the punishment you get from the court. These consequences are called collateral consequences and can have a long-lasting impact on different parts of your life. Finding a job can be hard, as many employers do background checks and might not want to hire someone with a criminal record. This can lead to money problems and limit your opportunities for career growth. It can also be tricky to find somewhere to live. Landlords might not want to rent to someone with a criminal record, making it a challenge to find a stable place to live and even leaving you without a home. On top of all this, you might lose some of your civil rights, like the right to vote, serve on a jury, or own a gun. All these unintended punishments can make it tough to get back into society and can even make you more likely to reoffend, which makes it even harder to build a better life for yourself and make a positive contribution to your community.cycle of recidivism, making it more challenging for individuals to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their communities.
Structure and Logistics of Correctional Facilities [In 600–800 words, describe the processing of offenders in correctional facilities; describe the physical and organizational structure of correctional facilities; and analyze the impact of age-related diversity on correctional facilities.] Processing When someone is put in jail, they gotta go through an entire process in the very beginning to prepare for the stay. They're searched for anything they're not supposed to have, they give their personal information for identification purposes , and they get checked out to make sure they're healthy. They do all this to make sure that everyone is safe inside the prison and prevent any disruptions in the facility. According to the Fourth Amendment, it is unlawful to search an individual or obtain their things without legal reasoning. But when someone is in jail, their rights are a little different because they aren’t given the full extent of their civil rights. The people who work at the jail can check things out if they have a suspicion or if it's just part of their usual routine. When someone is ready to leave jail, there are a lot of things that need to happen to make sure they're ready. They have to get help with things like finding a place to live and a job, and they need to be connected with other resources in their community. This is called release planning,it is important because it helps reduce the chances that someone will go back to jail. The goal is to help people become productive members of their community again. Structure Correctional facilities are usually designed to prioritize security and their sizes and designs can vary. They typically feature secure perimeters, housing units, and restricted access areas, as well as cell blocks, common areas, administrative offices, medical facilities, and recreational spaces. The layout and design of correctional facilities aim to ensure the safety and security of both inmates and staff. The ranking of staff members is responsible for managing correctional facilities, with the warden or superintendent overseeing the entire facility. They are accountable for the overall management, administration, and security of the facility and lead a team of correctional officers, administrative personnel, medical staff, and support staff. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) manages different types of facilities, including high security penitentiaries, medium security institutions, low security facilities, and minimum security camps at the federal level. These facilities are used to house individuals convicted of federal offenses. At the state level, each state has its own department of corrections that manages state prisons. State prisons house individuals convicted of state level offenses. The organizational structure and design of state prisons may vary from state to state, reflecting the unique needs and requirements of each jurisdiction. At the local level, county jails or city detention centers are usually operated by local law enforcement agencies. These facilities are used to house individuals who are awaiting trial or serving shorter sentences. Age-Related Diversity Correctional facilities need to accommodate different age groups. Juvenile facilities provide educational and vocational programs for young offenders, while adult facilities focus on punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation for adult offenders.Medical care and finances are crucial for aging prisoners. They face a higher risk of chronic health issues and require specialized medical care, including regular check-ups, medication management, and geriatric care. Aging prisoners also need more support and resources due to their specific needs.Facilities must make modifications to meet the specific needs of each age group. Facilities for aging prisoners may require ramps or handrails for accessibility and specialized medical facilities for age-related health conditions. Facilities for juvenile offenders prioritize education, counseling, and rehabilitation programs. Systemic Issues [In 600–800 words, analyze the impact of diversity in prisons; explain the rise of incarceration rates and strategies to reduce them; and describe factors that impact prison culture.] Impact of Diversity In the past, correctional systems often had one size fits all approaches that doesn’t really consider the diverse backgrounds and experiences of incarcerated individuals. However, recognizing the importance of diversity, there has been a shift towards more inclusive and responsive policies. Mental health issues are prevalent among incarcerated populations, and addressing them is important for rehabilitation and successful reintegration. Correctional facilities are increasingly providing mental health services and support to address the specific needs of individuals with mental health conditions. Language and cultural issues are also important considerations. In diverse prison populations, language barriers can mess up effective communication and access to programs and services. Efforts are being made to provide language assistance and culturally understanding services to ensure equal treatment and rehabilitation opportunities. Women's prisons face unique challenges, including trauma informed care, reproductives health, and gender specific programming. Recognizing these issues, correctional systems are working to implement gender responsive policies and programs to address the specific needs of women in prison. Similarly, LGBTQ individuals in correctional facilities may face discrimination, harassment, and lack of access to appropriate healthcare. Efforts are being made to create safe and inclusive environments, develop policies that respect gender identity and sexual orientation, and provide LGBTQ-specific programming and support.
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