HIS 100 Module Two Activity Template: Historical Research Question
This activity is your last chance to choose a topic. Topic changes may be based on your research
or instructor feedback. Then write a historical research question that addresses an aspect of
your finalized topic. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Non-graded portion
List your historical research topic here:
Inequality and Human Rights: Stonewall Rebellion
Graded portion:
Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic.
What impact did the Stonewall Rebellion have on the LGBTQ+ community?
How did the Stonewall Rebellion trigger the gay liberation movement and lead to the
first Pride Parade?
Was the Stonewall Rebellion the result of discrimination?
The was the LGBTQ community impacted by the 1969 Stonewall Riots?
Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a
different question than you.
Depending on whether they hold a favorable or unfavorable opinion on the subject,
someone else might come up with different questions than I do. There will also be
others who are merely accustomed to everything. The beliefs, presumptions, and ideals
a person has towards the Stonewall Rebellion might be significantly influenced by how
they were raised or by the lessons they were taught. There are others that cheer on the
LGBTQ+ community from a distance and act casually about the issue. Then there are
people who are not a part of the community yet steadfastly support it. Humans are
wired to think that a couple consists of a man and a woman. Its what was program into
the brain of society for a long time. You were not born to love anyone else but the
opposite sex. The question might be the same, but the answer will be completely
different. Love is Love no mater who they are.